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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / 1937 FORD ID PLATE ?

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01-26-2010 @ 8:41 AM
Posts: 1969
Joined: Oct 2009
I just took a good look at my original 37 FORD CABRIOLET, 78-760-A
I Owned this since 1975,and found NO NUMBER plate , anywhere near the fore wall,,
like the person with the 710 ROADSTER,
I would assume this plate that was pictured was home

as I understand it, it should read
78-710 Then the rest of the vin number should have folowed, same as on the frame,
The doors on that 710 look authenic , because has no top of door mouldings like my 37 CABRIOLET
I know for a fact that 1936 CONVERTIBLE SEDANS, had embossed number on the right side of firewall,
because was made by a outside source,
maybe that 710 ROADSTER ID plate was made for export?
thanks just shedding a little light on this subject,
thanks Just my 2 cents worth,37 RAGTOPMAN

01-26-2010 @ 9:14 AM
Posts: 586
Joined: Oct 2009
I'll be the first to admit that I am not an expert on the subject but I'll throw in my thoughts for what it is worth.

As we all know the serial number for the vehicle was assigned when the engine was assembled at the Rouge engine plant. When the engine was installed in a frame at an assembly plant that number was then transferred to the left frame rail in three places.

The tag on the body apparently was placed there by the body builder - if it was not built by Ford - at the time the body was built. It would be stamped with the appropriate body number, however, the body builder would have no knowledge of the serial number as the body was no where near the frame.

Now we know that someone would stamp the frame when the engine was installed. That would be somewhere up the line before the body drop area. So if your thought is correct someone would have to come back after the body was installed and stamp the serial number on the body tag. I don't think this is likely since Ford was not stamping the number on bodies without body tags. Ford was pretty casual about car identification so why pay someone to do that only to cars with body tags when the serial number was on the frame?

As an aside regarding the 36 Convertible Sedan number, station wagons built in the Ford Iron Mountain body plant have a sequential body number for the year stamped in the firewall. Ford didn't see fit to add a serial number to that number.

37 Coupe
01-26-2010 @ 9:47 AM
Posts: 362
Joined: Oct 2009
The 1937 Ford cabriolet body was made by the Murray Co. and supplied to Ford who provided chassis,hood fenders etc. The tag on a 37 Ford would be the body tag that Murray used to identify for work and invoice,it would have had nothing to do with an engine chassis number that it would not have known yet what one Ford was putting it on. The 39 convertible I once owned was also supplied by Murray and it simply had body 91A-76 and number was less than 500,out of the 10,000 or so made. Lots of these have gone missing,they also were installed on bare or primed metal as I recall and painted with final body color.

01-26-2010 @ 4:21 PM
Posts: 1969
Joined: Oct 2009
I think you misunderstood me,
I was refering to the number on the chassis,
and if they have a tag were would it be located,
that one in the picture looked to me like homemade,
I just sold a 39 MERCURY BODY TAG, and it was stored outside under the hood and looked alot better then the one in the picture,
I owned my 37 for 35 years,it was the original color before I bought it and it had no body tag,and I stripped in down to bare metal,and cannot remember seeing one,
but maybe it is hidden ?
the 710 is highly modified and what would keep somebody from fabricating a tag,?
My 2 cents worth 37 RAGTOPMAN

01-26-2010 @ 6:31 PM
Posts: 86
Joined: Jan 2010


Howdy! I would be the guy with the highly modified 710. I assure you the tag is authentic and not homemade. What the other guys are telling you is consistent with what I have found to be true. Not all open bodied Ford vehicles had tags on them, in fact most of them dont because they were done in house. Tags were only put on those models that were subcontracted to other firms that built bodies for Ford. Export models also may have had tags as a requirement for Customs. I was told by Gary Mallast (an expert on 38 Fords reffered to me by the EFV8) that my tag is authentic. He affirms the tag was painted in a black coloring and it originally said series 78 - 7I0 xxx . The series 78 was painted and the only thing that changed was the model number and the sequence number for the body company. The paint burns off in time and leaves only the embossed alfa-numeric code in the metal. Apparently a letter "I" substituted the #1 because at some point this was done by Ford to make bootlegging parts more difficult as Gary tells it. You can call Gary and ask him 586-468-8011. He is a really nice guy and he will not make you feel inferior because you need to ask a question!


01-27-2010 @ 9:47 AM
Posts: 613
Joined: Oct 2009
I am going to have to agree with 37 coupe on his description of the body tags on the conv's. The body tags I have seen on the conv's made by Briggs and/or Murray were installed on the firewall prior to painting, therefore, they were painted over with no prime coat under the tag. The prime coat and finish color would indicate that the bodies were supplied to Ford by the body builder either in the "white" or with a prime coat for protection during transit.
The Briggs tags I have seen are always embossed in lieu of stamping.. As to why the conv tags differ from the tags usually found on the out sourced coupes, sedans, etc. bodies, that is a question that in all likelihood will never be answered.
It has been well documented that Briggs and Murray had a running battle going with Ford over Ford's demands that they could only make a 10% profit off of goods supplied to Ford, that is why by the mid 1930's, Briggs was only supplying conv. cpe bodies to Ford.
I have read in several publications that by the mid/late 1930's, Briggs supplied all of Fords conv. cpe bodies, where-as Murray supplied conv. sdn and other body styles to Ford.
It is very unlikely that any amount of debate will ever convince a person that has a car/body that should have a proper body tag, but does not, that their car is lesser of a car than the car with a proper tag.
I wonder, does this anomaly come up during National Judging?

36 5 win delx cpe

01-27-2010 @ 12:34 PM
Posts: 2780
Joined: Oct 2009
Bill, your answer is no. However, I'll qualify that with the statement that yes, a homemade body tag would be very closely scrutinized for correctness. It's like accessories, in that the presence of an accessory, no matter how rare or correct it may be, will not give you points, but can very well cause a deduction in points.


01-27-2010 @ 12:34 PM
Posts: 1969
Joined: Oct 2009
looks like to me some had the tags and some did not,
after myself restoring my 37 and had it down to bear metal and never came across a tag of any kind and no rivit holes.and had the original paint on it when I bought it,
but no matter ,,I have enjoyed the car since 1975,
picture enclosed,
my 2 cents worth, 37 RAGTOPMAN

01-27-2010 @ 2:49 PM
Posts: 86
Joined: Jan 2010


Check out this link and scroll through the pics and you will see an authentic tag.....let me know how much you think it looks like the one on my 1937 Roadster 710? See the big difference?


01-27-2010 @ 6:34 PM
Posts: 1969
Joined: Oct 2009
hi arguelles67
I saw the TAG and it is for either a 1936 convertible sedan, or a 1936 convertible touring sedan,with the 740 prefix,
so that 1936 CABRIOLET the one on the web site that you posted for viewing for us,, is MADE OUT OF PARTS for sure....
this info come form this web site,UNDER CAR CODES,
check it out, that car should have a 760 prefix,to BE CORRECT, and it is NOT
I copied the car codes , it it down below,

Car Codes
Year Manufacturer Model Car Code
1936 Ford 3-windowcoupe 68-72A
1936 Ford cabriolet 68-76A
1936 Ford club cabriolet 68-76B
1936 Ford convertible sedan 68-74B
1936 Ford convertible touring sedan 68-74C
1936 Ford deluxe 5-windowcoupe 68-77B
1936 Ford deluxe fordor sedan 68-73B
1936 Ford deluxe fordor touring sedan 68-73D
1936 Ford deluxe panel delivery 68-80D
1936 Ford deluxe pickup 68-80A
1936 Ford deluxe sedan delivery 68-78B
1936 Ford deluxe tudor sedan 68-70B
1936 Ford deluxe tudor touring sedan 68-70D
1936 Ford phaeton 68-75A
1936 Ford roadster 68-71A

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