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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / EFV-8C/A Cross Country Grand Tour Ends....

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07-06-2013 @ 8:20 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
The EFV-8C/A Cross Country Grand Tour officially ended yesterday morning in Flint, Michigan. We had breakfast together and said our goodbyes. We have been traveling together for over a month now and had the greatest of times. Thanks to Arel B., Jerry R., Bill S., and Frank M. for organizing this Grand Tour....and GRAND it was. We all headed in our own directions after breakfast to destinations like New York, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland and elsewhere. I drove straight through from Flint, MI to Rising Sun, MD since I did not seem to be the least bit tired. The '35 ran perfectly after rebuilding a spare distributor on the side of the road in Nebraska on the way to Tahoe. Averaged about 16 mpg and drove over 7,000 miles. I encurage all of you to get your old Ford/Mercury/Lincoln out of the garage and drive 'em!!

Keep on Flathead V-8ing!!


This message was edited by JM on 7-9-13 @ 9:05 AM

07-09-2013 @ 7:40 AM
Posts: 4232
Joined: Oct 2009
John , glad all of you had a great time at the meet and on the tour. There's nothing better than driving an old Ford on a tour. The trailer guys do not know what they are missing.

07-09-2013 @ 1:47 PM
Posts: 95
Joined: Oct 2009
I'm truly impressed with how well your tour went.
I have been wondering - what was used to cover the top on the 35 Phaeton?

07-10-2013 @ 5:22 AM
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Posts: 135
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Whatever vinyl material the upholsterer had that took care of him in Indiana. It was just something to keep the sun and rain out. With no side curtains they were prepared for the rain in advance.

07-10-2013 @ 6:26 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
It was some type of thick rubbery feeling black vinyl material that held up well for the remainder of the trip. The folks at the EFV-8 Foundation located the shop that did the work for Arel B.
As far as I know, all the cars on this tour held up very well mechanically.


07-10-2013 @ 7:51 AM
Posts: 990
Joined: Oct 2009
John, and the gang...............
Let me say it was a pleasure meeting up with you all in the Twin Cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Then traveling the next 2 days with you was just plain GREAT. What a great group!!!
I am sure everyone enjoyed the ride -- and especially me and the Twin Cities Regional Group.
Let's do it again -- and don't forget the root beer floats at Oman's!!!!!


07-15-2013 @ 1:42 PM
Posts: 22
Joined: Oct 2009
Made it home Sunday 7/14/13 after a short drive from Lee Mass. Forty two days on the road, and driving forty of them. 8263 mi in my 34. A fun trip, theres a big Country out there.

07-15-2013 @ 6:56 PM
Posts: 4232
Joined: Oct 2009
Congrats to you Bill. That's a long haul in a 34. That was the trip of a lifetime for any V-8er.

07-15-2013 @ 8:17 PM
Posts: 1262
Joined: Nov 2009

I attended the Tahoe event and probably saw your car. But, not knowing which of the many '34's there were the cross country cars, could you attach a picture of your car? Does your car have it's original engine or have you installed a later model flathead in it? Is yours a Babbitt engine? I saw JM's car there but failed to ask him the same questions. JM, if you could chime in here......MG

07-15-2013 @ 8:33 PM
Posts: 1262
Joined: Nov 2009
BTW - JM & 34billct,

The reason I ask about your engines being Babbitt-ed, is I was told by a gentleman I met at the meet that a long-haul trip such as the one you guys just completed would not be advisable for a Babbitt engine. He said even with newly poured Babbitt such as I have in my '34, the engine would not hold up. Now I'm wondering how those 'Okies' made it to California during the Great Depression?.......

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