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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Mercury Discussion / 46/47 Merc Horn Ring Medallion Vibration

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01-03-2016 @ 8:48 AM
Posts: 1165
Joined: Oct 2013
The horn ring centerpiece medallion on my 47 is just loose enough in the ring to have a very minor but noticeable and annoying (for the driver) vibration sound at specific harmonics/rpms. The 'looseness' is so slight as to be almost imperceptible to the fingers and the medallion is more than adequately secure to not rotate. Before I take a tooth pick and place a drop of Super Glue at ~ 3 points around the perimeter to secure the medallion I appreciate your experience and advice in this regard. Of concern is whether any particular adhesive, including Super Glue, may adversely react with the medallion itself, and perhaps a better, more effective and permanent solution exists. Thanks in advance -


01-03-2016 @ 5:16 PM
Posts: 845
Joined: Jan 2014
len47merc: Here's what I would do: disconnect horn wire, remove horn ring[ press down and turn counter clock wise]then remove the medialian and put some silicone sealer under it, let dry and re install, that should do it. That shouldn't do any damage.

01-03-2016 @ 7:42 PM
Posts: 1165
Joined: Oct 2013
Thanks cliftford - I like your solution much better and will take your advice later this week. Btw - is the reason for disconnecting the horn wire to simply isolate the horn electrically from the battery, or is there a another more sinister 'gotcha' I've yet to experience? Easier on my creaking old back ya know to simply disconnect the battery.


01-03-2016 @ 8:23 PM
Posts: 845
Joined: Jan 2014
len47 merc my suggestion of disconnecting the horn was just so you don't bother the neighbors or scare the cats off. You might advertise for a handle on the efv8 classifieds. Good luck and happy new year.

01-04-2016 @ 5:06 AM
Posts: 1165
Joined: Oct 2013
10-4 - thought that was case. I posted an ad for the handle in classifieds yesterday afternoon. As you say, looks like they are available - just have to ensure the correct version/design as two variants were apparently used during these years.

My Thanks again cliftford and All the Best for a Prosperous, Safe and Happy 2016 to you as well!


01-04-2016 @ 7:25 AM
Posts: 1165
Joined: Oct 2013
cliftford/all - this horn ring is so stiff that when pressing down and attempting to rotate counter-clockwise I'm concerned it will break. Am using my thumbs near the center on the horizontal arms of the horn to minimize the potential for breakage but this thing is holding firm, at least with the amount of rotational pressure I've applied so far. Should it be easy to rotate counter-clockwise or is it tough enough to withstand the apparent degree of umphhh required to turn it? Have never removed one of these before. Thanks -


This message was edited by len47merc on 1-4-16 @ 7:26 AM

01-04-2016 @ 11:06 AM
Posts: 845
Joined: Jan 2014
Steve: here is how I do it: I press down hard on the center of the ring with the palm of one hand. Then with the other hand I grasp the outer rim and work it back and forth until I can turn it c. clockwise about 1/8 of a turn and the spring will push it out. The trick is to press the ring all the way down.

01-05-2016 @ 5:34 AM
Posts: 1165
Joined: Oct 2013
cliftford & Tom - had my 25 year old son (6' 2", 190 lbs) hold the steering wheel with his left hand and press firmly down on the center of the horn ring medallion with his right (with so much pressure he was slightly trembling). I held the horn ring at 3:30 and 9:30 with each hand (just south and north, right and left respectively, of the steering wheel and horn ring spokes) and with all the force I thought the ring could stand without breaking tried to rotate it counter clockwise, nudging it back and forth as well as you suggested cliftford. Man this thing is not budging. Perhaps the horn ring is tougher than I think but I'm giving it significant pressure - believe I'd throw up if it broke though. Any other suggestions? Heat? PB Blaster, WD40 or some other spray lubricant under the ring (nothing that will react with other materials - assume neither of these would), other? Btw, the horn ring will rotate ever-so-slightly but less than ~1/16th or so revolution counter clockwise - not enough for 1 spoke of the horn ring on each side to clear the steering wheel spoke.

Assuming also as Tom referenced in the door handle discussion that the rubber piece is now so brittle from age that it is not compressing - ? It sounds and feels though when pressing the horn ring down that it is bottoming-out against some very hard and firm surface (at this point perceived to be the bottom of the well molded into the steering wheel for the center of the horn ring).


This message was edited by len47merc on 1-5-16 @ 5:42 AM

01-05-2016 @ 8:07 AM
Posts: 7263
Joined: Oct 2009
Steve, you should feel the button and ring move down about 3/16" and then should be able to rotate it.

If you can't get that much movement, you can try dribbling glycerin around the opening to soften the rubber. Let it soak for 3-4 weeks, adding a little every couple of days. This process is messy and doesn't always work.

Heat from a hair dryer might also work, but I would be afraid of damaging the plastic.

Other suggestions are silicone spray, MMO and vinegar. These all require sealing the area for 7-14 days.


01-05-2016 @ 8:55 AM
Posts: 1165
Joined: Oct 2013
Thanks Tom. I get the ~3/16" of movement downward when pressing on the center of the ring - just not able to rotate it.

I've some silicone spray as well as glycerin and will given your suggestion a try today after covering the upholstery & dash. MMO - interesting. Vinegar - new one on me there - combination of that with the moth balls should really set the wife over the top!

I too am worried about the effect of heat and/or potential chemical reactions on/with the medallion which is why I'm asking for experienced advice here. I broke one original item early on in the preservation process due to impatience and then unwillingness to ask questions - bad lesson to learn that way you know.


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