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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / Real or Scam?

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08-28-2013 @ 2:31 PM
Posts: 524
Joined: Oct 2009
I am a retired Treasury Enforcement Agent. Even if a suspicious buyer agreed to show up with $10,000 in cash, I would insist the transaction be completed at your local Secret Service office, where the currency could be examined. The Secret Service was established in 1865 specifically for the purpose of suppressing the cfting of U.S. currency, and it is their second most important responsibility.

The reason you have seen so many changes design in recent years is because overseas counterfeiters are very skilled - and they specialize in larger denomination bills.

08-28-2013 @ 11:16 AM
Posts: 704
Joined: Nov 2012
39Fordfan, Do not get involved with this guy, it has SCAM written all over it. If you do, the next time you get to NY, look me up, I have several bridges that I own and will sell you one. Think of all the money you will make from the tolls!!!

08-28-2013 @ 8:43 AM
Posts: 77
Joined: Feb 2013
you're right on. Just look at their grammar. I lost a lot of $ to one of these guys and, looking back, all I had to have done was notice the obvious grammatical mistakes. And don't expect the listing site (my case, ebay) to help in any way after the scam has taken place. Glad you were smarter than I was.

08-28-2013 @ 8:27 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009

This message was edited by JM on 8-28-13 @ 8:30 AM

08-28-2013 @ 7:19 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
Here is an email message that I just received. Lots of lowlife bottom feeders out there. He/she used several different names in this message and I never requested a loan.


   We are here to inform you that your loan has been approved for
transfer and we have been waiting for your response to enable us
complete the loan transfer so if you know you are still interested in
getting the loan please get back to us immediately if not the loan
transaction will be cancel this week thanks and God bless..

Larry John..


08-25-2013 @ 12:55 PM
Posts: 202
Joined: Oct 2009
Great stuff from all of you. I think it serves as a great reminder that you can't be too careful. My Dad used to say, it often seems if we have problem we naturally want to keep it to ourselves. But I have found it is better to tell as many people about it as possible as someone else has probably already been through your problem and will have a fairly easy solution for you. That's what this forum is all about. Thanks!

08-25-2013 @ 8:04 AM
Posts: 4232
Joined: Oct 2009
Here's the problem with these scams. Most often they originate in Nigeria. The crook uses e-mail addresses in England or other countries making it difficult to trace or identify the actual crook. Even if located trying to prosecute the crime in another country is difficult if not impossible. Until the crook actually receives some money from the victim there is no crime as there is no loss. Once your e-mail address is on an ad you have opened it up to the public. When posting an ad you might post your phone number and indicate that you will only respond to phone calls. I find this eliminates scammers.
I spent 35 years in law enforcement and the best advice I can give is the following; If it sounds too good to be true it is usually a scam. Always try to do business via phone and then face to face with the buyer or seller or a legitimate agent with the proper ID. Do not release the property until you know that the money is good. Cash or wire transfer between legitimate banks are the two best ways to do business. Cashier's checks are usually fine as long as you know the person. Be very wary of cashier's checks from foreign banks or buyers you do not know on a personal basis. Again do not release the item until the bank determines the check is good. There's lots of phony cashier's checks floating around. Most legitimate buyers will want to inspect the item or have an agent inspect the item. Someone offering to buy a car sight unseen should put you on your guard right from the start. I have received those scam e-mails from these people and I just reply that I don't sell to anyone outside the US. When I do a "want ad" and receive an e-mail that looks suspicious offering the part, I ask for a photo of the item. They do not respond back when you ask for the photo. Lastly if you think it's suspicious ask your friends for an opinion on the transaction. I'm sure I may have missed a point or two, but you get the idea that your basic intuition is usually the best guide when it comes to "smelling a rat".

08-25-2013 @ 7:39 AM
Posts: 15
Joined: Jun 2010
If his offer is "too good to be true" it isn't. The old saying "buyer beware" now reads everyone beware.There are several variants on this theme. I am retired after thirty plus years in law enforcement in Canada most of which was in major crimes, organized crime and rackets. As a rule there are too many "ifs" in these matters to make it practical to investigate.Not impossible just impractical. If the perpetrator is in the USA it will probably be a Federal matter so it would be a Federal enforcement agency inquiry.It would be a matter of tracing the guy which can likely be done and then it gets complicated and time consuming. He's likely defrauded someone along the line and if the victim can be identified and the perpetrator located he could be prosecuted. He might well be off-shore or across the border; who knows. A report to your local Federal Law Enforcement agency will put the matter on record but that's about as far as it's likely to go without further information; maybe it's been reported elsewhere in which case it will already be on some agencies data base. My advice: don't deal with this person further, when you see the money let the car go to it's new owner or just keep it. You'll miss it when it leaves.


08-25-2013 @ 7:39 AM
Posts: 15
Joined: Jun 2010
If his offer is "too good to be true" it isn't. The old saying "buyer beware" now reads everyone beware.There are several variants on this theme. I am retired after thirty plus years in law enforcement in Canada most of which was in major crimes, organized crime and rackets. As a rule there are too many "ifs" in these matters to make it practical to investigate.Not impossible just impractical. If the perpetrator is in the USA it will probably be a Federal matter so it would be a Federal enforcement agency inquiry.It would be a matter of tracing the guy which can likely be done and then it gets complicated and time consuming. He's likely defrauded someone along the line and if the victim can be identified and the perpetrator located he could be prosecuted. He might well be off-shore or across the border; who knows. A report to your local Federal Law Enforcement agency will put the matter on record but that's about as far as it's likely to go without further information; maybe it's been reported elsewhere in which case it will already be on some agencies data base. My advice: don't deal with this person further, when you see the money let the car go to it's new owner or just keep it. You'll miss it when it leaves.


08-25-2013 @ 7:20 AM
Posts: 538
Joined: Oct 2009
I have received exactly word-for-word the same response from Mr. Warren regarding our EFV8 classified ad for a 1950 coupe.

Is there some way by which our website administrator can identify this bottomfeeder ? Or perhaps his "agent" who is operating here in North America ?

Do we have an attorney or a law enforcement officer as a club member who could comment on this ?

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