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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / SQUEAKING SPRINGS

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04-17-2010 @ 4:20 PM
Posts: 28
Joined: Oct 2009
Whst can i do to stop leaf springs on my 36
from squeaking. thanks

04-17-2010 @ 5:17 PM
Posts: 1460
Joined: Oct 2009
As transverse leaf springs flex in response to road inputs, they must also allow a sliding motion between the leaves, which if dry, can cause a "squeak". there are a number of "solutions" to this annoyance,
which consist of interleaving Delrin inter leaf inserts, lubrication with molybdenum disulfide greases,
and spraying with penetrants, such as Kroil, Liquid Wrench, etc. The "judges" frown upon Delrin or Nylon inter leaf inserts, so that kind of leaves you with the option of a good penetrating lube if you intend to show your car. If you are not going to subject your car to judging, I'd say to just put up with the
squeak, as this is a normal auditory verification that you are driving an authentic early Ford, and not
some coil-sprung aftermaket "Franken-Ford".

04-17-2010 @ 6:12 PM
Posts: 270
Joined: Oct 2009
When I restored my "40 I put powdered graphite between each leaf then assembled. No grease, no oil, no incorrect parts, and best of all, no mess. Seems to have kept the sqeaking to a minumim.

04-17-2010 @ 10:48 PM
Posts: 2769
Joined: Oct 2009
Zuctom, the cure is not really worth the effort, unless you need to dismantle your springs anyway. Many come with a zerk in the center, but it's virtually useless, as the grease will take the easiest route to escape, and never find its way to where you need it most.

Should you really freak out from the squeek, and have the energy, dress down any ridges worn into the leaves, and slather on "5th wheel grease", a very sticky waterproof grease used to lubricate, as the name implies, the carrier/trailer connection on truck/trailers.


1934 Ford
04-18-2010 @ 3:17 AM
Posts: 577
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Back about 2003, right after they paved the streets in Greenfield Village with WHITE Concrete, some Yupppie in charge ordered that they make the Model T's stop leaking! (They left a black trail down the entire path of the Model T ride within the Village)
Maybe that same management guru could order Early Ford springs not to squeak.

04-18-2010 @ 9:05 AM
Posts: 2769
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I think it was the same guy that lobbied Congress to mandate that carmakers should stop the clear liquid from dripping out tailpipes in the morning.


04-18-2010 @ 9:17 AM
Posts: 6819
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Be sure that the noise is not coming from the shackle bushings. If so, it will "telegraph" thru the spring to the crossmember. Installing Teflon shackle bushings will usually eliminate the problem. As said above, be sure to grind away any "pockets" found at the end of the spring leaves. When we reassemble a spring, we use a product called "Slip Plate" found at farm stores. It is a graphite-based liquid that will stay in place on the leaves. It was designed to aid in preventing hangups in grain bins.

04-18-2010 @ 11:48 AM
Posts: 85
Joined: Oct 2009
In the 50's, when I was a kid hanging around the local Ford garage, whenever we did a grease job and oil change (4 qts - from a gallon can - without filter, 5 with) we always liberally sprayed all the sides of the springs with a graphite-laden penetrating oil. I'm sorry I don't know the name of the product - the shop bought it in bulk and put it in a generic pump spay can that shot a pretty strong direct stream. Our regular customers never had squeaky springs.


04-18-2010 @ 12:08 PM
Posts: 1965
Joined: Oct 2009
Did you check if the rear spring center bolt has a grease fitting in it,
my 37 has one,
they used to use a graphite grease on the spring, I have a big square can tin tub of GULF GREASE, that says SPRING GREASE on it,
you could mix chassis grease and some graphite and lube the springs,
they also had a small needle point tip for greasing the springs, you stuck in between the leaves of the spring,when they opened up a little with the wheels off the ground,
hope this helps 37RAGTOPMAN

03-10-2011 @ 8:02 PM
Posts: 10
Joined: Nov 2010
why dont you just buy a new one maybe its so rusty ansd it need to be replace with a new leaf springs if ever you need to replace it just tell me i can help you

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