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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Mercury Discussion / steering column removal

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03-17-2017 @ 6:44 PM
Posts: 56
Joined: Sep 2012
How does the steering column/gearbox come out of a 50 Mercury? Up through the car? or down through the bottom?
Thanks, Randy

03-18-2017 @ 11:09 AM
Posts: 7271
Joined: Oct 2009
Down through the bottom.

You must remove the steering column tube from the inside before removing


03-18-2017 @ 11:10 AM
Posts: 7271
Joined: Oct 2009
second page


03-19-2017 @ 3:29 PM
Posts: 59
Joined: Jul 2012
The plates on the floor are large enough that is can really go either way as long as the steering wheel & possibly the shift handle is removed. It just has to be angled toward the passenger side to get the box to come through the inside. It can go out through the front as well as long as the car is up high enough off the shop floor.

This message was edited by rotorwrench on 3-19-17 @ 3:31 PM

03-20-2017 @ 7:48 PM
Posts: 56
Joined: Sep 2012
Thanks fellas,
This is what I buggered up, I was trying to remove my accessory wheel to repair my messed up shift linkage in the column. Dumb me forgot to leave the nut loosely on. Well the gear puller kinda messed up the steering tube. I was able to find another complete column with a tight gear box for cheep from a semi local guy on the 49-51 Mercury FB page. The Black wheel was pretty tough to remove which tells me the column was removed with the wheel intact up threw the inside the car?
New questions?? How do I fish new Blinker wires up inside the column.
Also...Where can I get a new column to floor board/firewall rubber seal?
I can find Ford but not Mercury (there different)
Thanks a bunch for your help!

This message was edited by RAND on 3-20-17 @ 7:49 PM

03-21-2017 @ 7:55 AM
Posts: 7271
Joined: Oct 2009
To fish your wires up the column, use fairly stiff wire and feed it up from the bottom, then attach your wires to the fish wire and pull them up.

For the seal, if you have checked all of the usual suppliers and http://www.rearcounter.com/

you will have to try to modify the Ford part.


07-24-2017 @ 7:22 PM
Posts: 63
Joined: Jan 2012
Hi Tom And Rand
I'm in the same boat here re the steering gear?? on my 50 Merc sedan
After reading the pages you posted is it absolutely necessary to remove the column or can it be loosened to allow some movement? I obtained a complete steering gear many years ago at a swap meet complete with the shaft sticking way out and I'm wondering if I'm able to lift the car up high enough with the column support or retainer clamp loosened for movement, can this steering gear assembly be unbolted, shifted slightly to the side and carefully slid down and out of the steering column after of course the key is removed from the shaft? I got this gear assembly years ago because long before I got my car, the lower seal was shot and the gear oil leaked out resulting in the entire gear assembly becoming buggered. It steers harder than a 3 ton truck carrying a full load without power steering. Parallel parking must be done with very slight creeping of the car to turn the wheel and I always toughed it out because I was told years ago a hoist was required to be able to drop the assembly out the bottom under the car. Rand how did you make out with your venture?

07-26-2017 @ 8:27 AM
Posts: 7271
Joined: Oct 2009
I have not done this and have not worked on a 50's Mercury since 1961, so I cannot give you a good answer. Rotorwrench said in his post that it can be done.


07-27-2017 @ 3:05 PM
Posts: 63
Joined: Jan 2012
Thanks Tom and oops I forgot rotowrench who I see with valuable information on this and other forums!!
I looked under the hood and gasped at the situation and realistically removing the column and bringing it out into the interior would probably be a simpler solution or should I say a sweeter tasting lemon!! I bought the other gear as I mentioned earlier but yesterday I decided to examine this so called replacement and the turkey that sold it to me autographed the taper with a vice grip leading me to wonder why would that be needed with a "good" steering gear?? Also this fellow that sold me this "prize" didn't place the nut on top as well prior to pulling the wheel. When I use a puller, not only do I put the nut on (mostly for safety in case the item is extremely tight and breaks loose with a powerful force flying into my coconut or face straightening out my nose, but i have an assortment of brass round stock in varying thicknesses and diameter that I place on top or against whatever the puller or press is pushing against to protect this especially if it is an expensive delicate goodie and this brass allows me to hit the puller with a hammer if required to jar things loose before the puller bolts snap. I pulled the plug and found it was drier than a popcorn fart for oil with moisture contamination many years ago leading to brown (this isn't the only thing that is brown but it's equiv. in this case) rust that is now dry and falling out as i tipped it upside down. GRRRRRRR!!!! At least I got this now a core cheap enough that I can totally rebuild for a complete swap and this proves that the poor and stingy pay twice!!! The bearings are all ruined, the sector shaft got partially shafted but luckily not at the seal contact area. The floating bearing race for the worm was seized within the housing so out came the Muriatic acid from the local hardware to munch away at the rust. Everything is now silver with the exception of the rust pits in the parts and bearings but at least I got it apart! Out came the parts manual and now I have a list to search with which led me to a brand new NOS Mercury Sector shaft on ePay still in the Ford OEM box. $100.00 or best offer. Somebody had pity on me and I got it for $50.00 US plus shipping at $52 US just for shipping (eeeek, ouch!) but at least I got it for a great price (plus 30++% exchange on my worthless Canuckastan beaver pelts.............sigh )-: )
Shoebox is selling me a gasket shim kit with bearings and seal for $46.00 US but doesn't have the bushings or the adjuster screw cover gasket so back to ePay to find two 7RT 3576-A bushings from one seller for $20 US including shipping, another with a new sector adjusting screw for $3.95. I haven't found a worm and shaft or just the worm but with slight rust damage to the bearing contact surface it can be used if need be. Otherwise, other than the housing, the gears are still very good for wear so it isn't a total loss. Chris at Shoebox mentioned the Ford worm is cut reversed to what Mercury uses so other than finding a worm from a RH steering Ford, I will probably have to reuse my worm unless somebody out there knows of a substitute that can be used on my steering shaft?? I will press my very good shaft out of my worn out gear still in my car and exchange it with the buggered shaft on my core that I'm rebuilding. Mine is shot because long before I purchased my 50, the sector shaft seal was roached and it wasn't replaced resulting in the gears getting tortured to death.

07-27-2017 @ 4:12 PM
Posts: 63
Joined: Jan 2012
Anybody try this? I noticed Joblot has a worm but they mention modifications are required and I did a search on the part number and came up with this

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