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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Lincoln Discussion / V-12 general question

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01-22-2013 @ 11:34 AM
Posts: 466
Joined: Jul 2010
I am not familiar wit the V-12. Are they an engine to avoid? I have read that they had overheating issues with bore warpage? also oil passage clogging issues?
Parts availability is probably restriced? The particular car year in question is 1939. Just looking for gotchas
Thanks for your help.

This message was edited by MICHV8 on 1-22-13 @ 11:40 AM

01-23-2013 @ 10:17 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
The V-12 was, and is, a very smooth and powerful engine. When I was stock car racing, we pulled the car trailer with a big Lincoln sedan, and with the full crew inside. In some ways, the Lincolns of the day had better features than Ford, such as needle bearing u-joints, and overdrive. The engines did share some of the tendencys of its litle brothers, such as heating, but not to an equal degree. I wouldn't be afraid of owning another. They are an authentic part of the Ford history. When properly maintained, they provide an excellent experience.

01-23-2013 @ 2:15 PM
Posts: 1460
Joined: Oct 2009
Our family owned 3 V-12's. When new, they were very reliable and smooth. A couple of thoughts though. They had a reputation for not getting rid of crankcase contamination
as well as the V8's did, which was mainly an issue prior to the development of detergent motor oils. Being V-12's, many drivers tended to lug them down without giving consideration to the fact that unlike the contemporary inline 8's and V8's, these were small, high-speed engines, that were not engineered to lug like a tractor. One personal
recollection was that my grandmother always had he oil checked when she bought gas. The
oil level gauge was float operated, and the late 40's oil dissolved the sh*llac on the cork float in the crankcase, which caused it to become overfilled, spewing oil out the breather. Like Supereal, I believe that given reasonable maintenance, your 39 should give good service. In the early 40's there was a large bore version that had some cylinder flexing issues, but the early engines did not.

Many of our Club members own Zephyrs, but we don't see a lot of discussion on this Forum. Most also belong to The Lincoln Zephyr Owners Club which publishes a bi-monthly magazine called "The Way of the Zephyr". http://www.lzoc.org/twotz/magazine.htm
Our own Dave Cole is the editor.

01-23-2013 @ 8:02 PM
Posts: 466
Joined: Jul 2010
Thanks for the info, fellas. I'll probably join the
Zephyr club regardless of the outcome of this particular car market offer. I've always admired Lincolns and had a nice 56 Premiere Coupe back about 30 years ago. I drove it into a large Lincoln-Mercury dealer parking lot one day just for fun and the place came to a standstill. I mean EVERY bay came to a stop and the mechanics came out to take a look. Well, one thing led to another and before you know it, the 56 was up on a hoist and the guys standing under it telling me stories about the frame, trans, etc. Many of them had worked on the assembly line back in the day. I don't know who enjoyed it more, me or them! A great day to say the least...

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