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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / Thermostats or no thermostats

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01-22-2010 @ 6:27 PM
Posts: 16
Joined: Oct 2009
Moxie you are spot on with what you just said, the main problem with flatheads is the exhaust gases run through the water jackets similar to how steam engine make steam. If you run your car in a cold climate i can see a reason for them in the winter & if it doesn't overheat in the summer then your lucky. Thermostats work okay in the AB engines because after 20 years they did improve the water flow. If you have a pre 36 engine & overheats water pumps do not pump steam thats why they moved the pumps to the block instead of the heads.

01-22-2010 @ 5:47 PM
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They did stay in business because they built a low price car. Had nothing to do with the engines overheating. If it did, they most likely would not be here today. When hot gas is going through the water jackets, how you expect them to not overheat. For 1934, ford came out with a 6 blade fan to try and fix heat problem. In 36, they put louvers in the inner fenders and through out those years experimented with different water pump designs and still could not lick the heat problem. Just because new cars have thermostats does not mean old fords should have them. Can you sit your old ford out in the sun on a hot august day and let it idle for 15 minutes without it boiling over. I bet not. I can my Toyota. Why, because they are better design than 70 years ago. I need the stats in the winter to bring the heat up but run without them in the summer. Can you give me one answer why stats help the engine run cooler. I can give you a reason why they run cooler without stats. Less restriction in the water system, thereby letting more water flow equals better cooling.

01-22-2010 @ 1:14 PM
Posts: 573
Joined: Oct 2009
Instead of leaving out the thermostats and antifreeze, I'd find out what the problem is and fix it. It was pointed out above that every car manufactured uses thermostats. There is a reason for it. My flathead has thermostats and antifreeze (and stock water pumps) and never overheats even in the the summer in Georgia where temperatures reach 100 degrees or more. It's because I have a clean cooling system and the engine is tuned properly. Ford could not have stayed in business selling cars and trucks that overheated.


01-22-2010 @ 1:03 PM
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I meant to ask everyone, do you know where I could buy hose/thermostats for a 36 Ford if I do decide to install them? Thanks!!

01-22-2010 @ 1:01 PM
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I inherited a 36 Phaeton a couple of years ago. It always overheated in the summer, especially during parades, etc. Last summer, I added a 2nd slimline fan in front of the radiator with a toggle switch under the dash for overheating emergencies. (It helped.) At the same time, I also had to install two new radiator inlet hoses w/o thermostats (where they are located on a 36), re-filled the cooling system with just water (was told it would help), and it ran much cooler the rest of the year. Added anti-freeze for the winter, and am now wondering if I should find two hose/thermostats this year and install??? Mac's and C&G do not carry item. After reading the replies to the initial question, am wondering if I should forget the thermostats??? Thanks!

01-17-2010 @ 10:00 AM
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It must be remembered that the cooling system is in a steady process of degrading from the first use, due to the coating of the interior with lime, etc, and the fins lose contact with the tubes due to vibration. When the efficiency of the radiator declines to a point where it can't handle the load, often removing the thermostats can enhance the flow enough to prolong the life. Same is true of the turbine-style water pumps. Eventually, radiator replacement is the only reliable "fix" that will allow reliable use of your old car, now that radiator shops have largely disappeared.

01-17-2010 @ 6:34 AM
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Like Supereal says, once the engine comes up to operating temperature the thermostat is no longer needed. It's just there waiting for the next cold start.

01-17-2010 @ 12:49 AM
Posts: 573
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Didn't we just have this discussiuon? Repeating what I said before:

Why do you leave out the thermostat? The thermostat serves the purpose of regulating your coolant temperature and accelerating warm-up. Leaving it out makes no sense. The guys who designed your engine knew what they were doing. If your engine doesn't cool with a thermostat in it, find out why, and fix the problem.


Dave D
01-17-2010 @ 12:08 AM
Posts: 8
Joined: Jan 2010

Running without stats allows full flow, and the best efficiency, with some loss of performance until the engine reaches operating temperature.

And yet EVERY car manufacturer IN THE WORLD puts thermostats in their cars, and always has. I guess they do it just to waste a few bucks.

01-13-2010 @ 9:33 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
The purpose of thermostats is to control coolant flow to allow engine warmup to happen quickly to improve driveabilty after a cold start. There is an "urban legend" that refuses to die claiming that slowing down coolant circulation "gives it time to absorb heat". Not true. It only increases the load on the radiator, which has a limit on its ability to transfer heat to the air. When a thermostat in proper condition reaches the rated temperature, it should be fully open, and not restricting flow beyond the physical structure of the stat. Running without stats allows full flow, and the best efficiency, with some loss of performance until the engine reaches operating temperature. For most applications 160 degree stats are the best choice. If your engine tends to overheat, run without them. There was a recent article saying that the cure for overheating is to install 200 degree stats! It must have been a joke. Maximum circulation equals maximum cooling.

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