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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / Marvel Mystery Oil / Ampco Top Cylinder Lubricator

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08-05-2011 @ 9:44 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
Thanks, Bill. My sentiments exactly. I didn't say that MMO wasn't a good product, only that constant use isn't necessary, and may produce plug problems. I've seen it too many times to ignore it. Now, in times of high fuel prices, the hucksters seem to have revived many of the old pitches. With the heat on for higher MPG, it is a safe bet that the manufacturers would include these "miracle" things. I even saw a mention of the old urban legend of the "100 MPG carburetor that the oil companies bought and destroyed" last week as if it was big news. Wow!

08-05-2011 @ 8:52 AM
Posts: 613
Joined: Oct 2009
I guess that Super and I have been around to long..
There was a time in the past when every huckster in the world was selling some gadget, either a water injector, oil injector and or propeller thing-a-jigs to mount between the carb and manifold, at the State/County Fairs to add onto your engine to improve mileage, performance, etc.
These gadget's did a very good job of draining the customers pockets, with no proven benefit to an engine.
Marvel Mystery is a great product, I have used it for years.. Adding a little bit to the fuel now and then can be a good thing...
If an engine is going to be taken out of service for a prolonged period of time I usually pore MMO down the carb to keep the cylinders from rusting and/or the pistons getting stuck.
I have also used MMO with great results on engines that have not been ran for many years. Pore it down the carb, let the MMO sit for several days, then pull the plugs and crank the engine over...
If a top cylinder lubricator was a good idea, they would be standard equipment on all cars.

36 5 win delx cpe

08-05-2011 @ 6:13 AM
Posts: 450
Joined: Oct 2009

Yes, I have a vacuum plate under the carb (note the picture). Actually, I have two plates. One is for the oiler the other is for a '57 vacuum booster (another no-drill addition), as part of my hydraulic brake system. The booster gives me brakes that in my opinion rivals many a new car.

As for the by-pass oil filter, a lot of guys think they are useless but in defense of the filter it does seem to do something. Every time I change the filter I see it has picked up some crud that is no longer circulating in the engine. Also, consider auto producers used this type of system up until 1957 when the full-flow system became standard. Obviously, the full-flow system is superior but the old by-pass system must of had some value or it wouldn't have had the longevity it did have.

Hope this helps.


08-05-2011 @ 5:07 AM
Posts: 49
Joined: Jul 2011
Thanks everyone,

Tom, I enjoyed your post. If I were to install one I don't think I would drill new holes in the firewall either as your suggest. Your installation using existing bolts or screws is a great idea. Does yours go into a vacuum plate between the carb and intake manifold? I also noticed in your picture, thank you by the way, there's what looks to be an oil filter. How does that work?

Kenneth Hatcher

08-05-2011 @ 2:31 AM
Posts: 450
Joined: Oct 2009

I have one on my '35. It does seem to quiet the engine and I haven't noticed any oil fouling of the plugs. The Ampco unit does allow for flow adjustment if oil fouling does become a problem.

When I installed the oiler I made up a bracket which utilizes the two radio bolts. No holes were drilled. Also on this bracket I have a voltage regulator for the two brush generator I am using instead of the trouble-prone three brush generator. By using the radio bolts I can easily remove the bracket, the oiler and regulator in seconds for show purposes or engine work, if needed.

Last Summer I had my '35 in a local show. Next to my '35 was a '55 Chevy with enough engine chrome that you literally needed sun glasses to view the engine. The irony of the situation was the crowd was consistently congregating around my lowly flathead wondering what the "red oil jug" was for! The neighboring Chevy's owner was beginning to assume the roll of a "Magtag repair man."

In another show I saw an early Ford with an oiler attached to the firewall. On the bottle was the label "Viagra!" That must of put a lot of smiles on people's faces!

Would I put an oiler on my car again? Yup! Even if it is nothing more than the fun they create.


This message was edited by flatheadfan on 8-5-11 @ 6:32 AM

08-04-2011 @ 7:15 PM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
Top oilers were a popular accessory in the 40's and 50's. They mostly oiled the money out of your wallet, in my opinion. As said, if you have sticky valves, MMO in the gas may help. However, using it regularly will likely cause spark plug fouling, which was a reason oilers went out of style.

08-04-2011 @ 7:14 PM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
Top oilers were a popular accessory in the 40's and 50's. They mostly oiled the money out of your wallet, in my opinion. As said, if you have sticky valves, MMO in the gas may help. However, using it regularly will likely cause spark plug fouling, which was a reason oilers went out of style.

08-04-2011 @ 7:13 PM
Posts: 2788
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foto, if you want to install one, it can do no harm, but as the others have said, it's easy to add MMM to your gas tank. The upside of that is of course your underhood isn't cluttered up, but also, it helps stabilize the modern gas, and provides a level of rust protection to your tank and fuel line.

If you want the era funk look, the glass bottle looks neat mounted on your custom bracket, and you better believe guys will check to see you used existing holes to mount it! The Columbia vacuum plate will be perfect, just employ a brass T adapter, also available from Ampco.



08-04-2011 @ 6:26 PM
Posts: 1262
Joined: Nov 2009
I agree with BrianCT.

08-04-2011 @ 5:47 PM
Posts: 96
Joined: Oct 2009
I find it easier to just ad a few ozs to gas.

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