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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / Welcome!

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03-24-2014 @ 9:53 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: Mar 2014
I'm very happy to become a part of a huge community. We are all Ford fans Hope we can help each other with our beloved cars!

I'm an owner of a car windows tinting company in Vietnam. I'll give you the best advices about windows tinting for your cars.

Check out my Website at http://phimcachnhietsg.com for more details.

This message was edited by HaiNH1993 on 2-9-17 @ 12:18 AM

11-19-2013 @ 3:23 PM
Posts: 2774
Joined: Oct 2009
Herbie, Welcome to the V8 Forum. You ask a loaded question, as opinions will range all over the place. Here's my experience and my opinion:
My '38 had 4.44 gears when I bought it, and it would scream bloody murder at 60+ MPH. I changed ratios to 3.78, and now cruise at 70+ very comfortably, with ability to run faster should I wish. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't claim it is safe to run at those speeds, but then an old car is inherantly unsafe at any speed, isn't it?

As for the ability to drive 1000 miles without incident, that would depend on the reliability of the car you buy. Some can't go round the block without breakdown, others go cross country with ease. A trip like that in an unfamiliar vehicle is for those thoroughly experienced in the model driven. The Ford flathead has it's idiosyncracies to consider, so its best to take a buddy who knows the flathead, and just go for it, and rely on good luck and AAA tow service to get you home. At the very least, you'll speed up your learning curve!

One thing here.... If you are a member of the EFV8CA, you'll have a Roster of members all across the country. The Roster is the most valuable tool in youyr possession should you have a breakdown. 'Nuff said.


11-19-2013 @ 2:32 PM
Posts: 1
Joined: Nov 2013
Just new to the site. Have been looking to buy a 1941 Ford. Seems like loads of nice ones out there. Would like to know what would be a "comfortable" cruising speed for a bone stock '41 V8. Trying to determine if some of the out of state cars I am looking at could handle a sustained 60-65 mph return trip (1000+ miles) or should I figure on a trailer. Thanks

06-03-2013 @ 3:32 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 2013
"Thank You" for the welcome.

06-03-2013 @ 11:03 AM
Posts: 4232
Joined: Oct 2009
Rob, welcome to the site. If you join the Early V-8 Club you will find we have many members in Australia.You are not alone in Oz. We have regional groups in Adelaide, NSW, Victoria , and Brisbane. We can supply names and contact numbers if you are interested.

06-01-2013 @ 11:50 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 2013
I'm a new forum member, and I figured I should introduce myself. My wife, Sandy, and I live in Moruya, a small coastal/country town situated on the Far South Coast of New South Wales, Australia. I have been a Ford fan for....well, all of my life, because my Dad was, I expect. Presently, Sandy and I own 3 Vintage Fords and would like to make it 4. In our garage is a 1921, Canadian built, Australian bodied, 3 door, "T" tourer. Next to it is an Australian assembled 1955 English Ford Zephyr 6, and under construction is a 1915 Brass era "T" speedster.
As you can see there is a gap in our stable, just screaming out for an early 30's Ford V8. I will soon be investing in an already finished car, but I'm unsure if I should look here in Australia for a suitable candidate or import one from the USofA.
Anyway, I look forward to being a part of this forum and all the knowledge I can soak up from you folk. You never know, given time, I just might be able to contribute something too.

This message was edited by Ozifords on 6-2-13 @ 12:31 AM

05-05-2011 @ 12:26 PM
Posts: 1
Joined: Dec 2010
I am restoring a 1953 ford club coupe and Iwould like to know what part of the inside should be the same color as the car it looks as if the inner fender and air tubes were painted black.I would appreciate any information that could be provided would be appreciated.

10-17-2010 @ 3:41 PM
Posts: 56
Joined: Oct 2010
I am a new Early Ford V8 Member and a new poster. I asked for help on a radio problem on my recently purchased 1947 Ford convertible and received instant help. The problem is already solved. In addition to my '47 Ford, I have a Model A pickup, three Buicks, a 39 LaSalle convertible, a '66 Cadillac convertible and two '55 Pontiac Safaris. Also a 1951 Ford Stake with 23,000 original miles. See my cars at www.tpcarcollection.com


10-10-2010 @ 6:18 PM
Posts: 2774
Joined: Oct 2009
G, Welcome to our website, and no apologies required, as most of us don't have a second language at all! There are no books to my knowledge specifically about the '36 Ford Pickup. All the mechanical parts, are, of course, identical to the passenger car, so for that, I can recommend the '35-'36 Ford Book sold on this website.


10-10-2010 @ 2:50 PM
Posts: 1
Joined: Oct 2010
Many thanks for the welcome to the EFV-8 Club. Very nice place of discussions and the look of the site is nice, clean and powerfull. First of all I would like to ask to all members of the club my apologies in advance because I'am Braziliam and my Inglish is very poor.

So, please anyone could help me and tell me where I can get a gatalog or some thing like that about what are the complete standards of a 1936 standard pick-up ? I do have recently purchased one and would like to leave her the most original possible and them I need to know pictures and descriptions aboutthis beautifull pick-up that mr henry built up.

Many thans.

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