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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / H&H FLATHEADS

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07-06-2011 @ 8:45 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
Any movement of a sleeve indicates faulty installation. Many sleeves were installed due to cracked cylinders. If they get loose, coolant will enter the oil pan, and bearing destruction will follow. We had an engine in our shop last year that had a small leak at the bottom edge of one cylinder, and it ruined the rod bearings. The owner said he found a shop that claimed they could fix it when we turned it down. The engine had been frozen at some time, and whomever sleeved it missed that the end of the crack extended below the cylinder bore.

07-05-2011 @ 8:03 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: Jul 2011
Thank you so much for the kind words

07-05-2011 @ 7:47 PM
Posts: 66
Joined: Jan 2010
Sleeve has moved .002 of an inch. How do you measure that.

07-05-2011 @ 6:40 PM
Posts: 4233
Joined: Oct 2009
I suspect that most everyone on this site(including me) have had an experience like yours. Probably the only difference is the cost of the experience. Some cost more and some cost less.You have the right idea. Move forward and chalk it up to another lesson in life. You are still among V-8 friends.

This message was edited by trjford8 on 7-5-11 @ 6:42 PM

07-05-2011 @ 4:57 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: Jul 2011
Thank you EFV-8 club for letting me post my problem on the forum and thank you for taking time to respond to my problem.
I learned a very expensive, and very frustrating experience when I purchased the 59AB block on Fordbarn.com.
I completely trusted the machine work that had been done on the block that resulted in total disaster. I am going forward, end of story.

07-03-2011 @ 8:18 AM
Posts: 4233
Joined: Oct 2009
The problem here is Mr. Schwartz bought the motor on the secondary market and not directly from H and H. The seller said it was an H and H motor, but who knows if it was or not. Did the seller have paperwork on the block? Even if he did have paperwork it could have been from another motor or even copied from another invoice.
It's always taking a chance when you buy on the secondary market and not from the original supplier. We've all bought stuff at swap meets that was allegedly purchased new, but not used by the seller for one reason or another. Those good deals can easily "go south" once you get the item home and find it doesn't fit or work due to some unseen previous damage. You have no recourse, so you just "bite the bullet' and move on. I honestly don't see that H and H has any responsibility here on this motor.
This is no different that buying an item from a company and when it is shipped it is damaged in shipping. You don't deal with the original supplier, you deal with the shipper who is responsible for the damage and replacement.
The V-8 Club has always had a policy to not get involved in any disputes between club members and suppliers of parts or goods who advertise in the V-8 Times. That policy should also extend to regional groups. Caveat Emptor!

This message was edited by trjford8 on 7-3-11 @ 8:39 AM

07-02-2011 @ 11:03 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
I sympathize with Mr. Herman. Our machine shop has turned out engines for years, and all customers receive a written warranty setting out who is responsible for what. Unless a customer is an experienced mechanic, known by us to be so, only fully assembled engines are produced. This includes a full crankcase, as oil can be forgotten in the haste to run the engine. As rebuilding costs soar, we understand that a customer expects a job to match, but no shop is an insurance company covering improper installation and/or abuse.

07-01-2011 @ 9:43 PM
Posts: 2780
Joined: Oct 2009
I've now registered on the Fordbarn for the first time. I read the exchange there, and am happy to report that my Club will continue to display the H&H link on our website.

Mr Schwartz deserves all our best wishes also, as I doubt if there is any one of us who hasn't at one time or another found ourselves in such a predicament as he.


ford flathead
07-01-2011 @ 8:58 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: Jul 2011
Like I and many others have said on the Ford Barn this guy bought the engine from someone else not me directly and is leaving out most of the story. This is a machined block done over 5 years ago. Since he is not telling the full story it is hard to believe any of it. He cracked the deck of the block from over torquing which will also cause sleeves to pull and distort. I stand behind my engines even past the 1 year 12,000 mile warranty but when it has changed hands from the original purchaser and over 5 years old it is not even close. I assure you I always do my best or I would not be in the position I am in, with thousands of engines out there running. If you have any questions I can be reached at 818-248-2371 8am-4pm M-F as always.
Mike Herman
H&H Flatheads

07-01-2011 @ 7:37 PM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
FYI...dschwartz made a similar post on the Fordbarn. H&H Flatheads has responded there.


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