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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / Any thoughts here as to.......

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06-21-2011 @ 7:49 PM
Posts: 4232
Joined: Oct 2009
MG, you bring some valid points. I agree we don't need a specific column for "It Worked for Me". A person could simply post a problem that they had and how they solved it. It's also not a bad idea to post events, such as a tour to a national meet, etc. The only problem I see with those events is you may get more participants than you can handle. I put on one or two tours a year and so far have been lucky that I do not exceed my limits for hotels, banquets, etc. If I happened to get more that I can handle it would put me in the position of saying "no". I really don't want to be in that position.

Lou, I understand that the club does not always meet everyone's needs. All members support the mission of the restoration and preservation of the 32-53 cars. The touring and touring A divisions were designed to retain those members who felt they would be banned due to some upgrades on their cars. A lot of us do in fact have street rods and do attend the meets. We also support the mission of the V-8 Club. Not sure if you were aware or not, but many of those with modified cars volunteered their time to help at the western meet. Numerous wives worked the registration table, some worked the concourse tabulation room, and many were on the field to help judge cars on the concourse.Many of us brought raffle prizes to help with meet expenses.
I set up a tour and brought 18 cars from California. Almost every person on that tour gave some hours to help with that meet.We support the club any way we can even though we may have modified cars. This club is about people along with the cars. If it was just about cars this club would have serious membership issues.
I understand and respect your position , but you have to remember this club is about people who have different ideas and opinions. We all need to stick together to maintain the V-8 Club and possibly maintain our hobby.

06-21-2011 @ 7:42 PM
Posts: 19
Joined: Oct 2009
Alas, the crux of why my posts are limited. It seems I have the inability to understand and interpret what people are actually saying.

And yes, I misunderstood (again) and actually thought that should the "It worked for me" posts prove popular. A special/seperate section could be developed to assist people. How could I even have thought that?

With my latest incorrect interpretation(s), I will now go back to my status quo (just reading and trying to learn from the posts). Keep on V8'ing. LouB.

06-21-2011 @ 7:04 PM
Posts: 1262
Joined: Nov 2009
Lou said:

"To have an actual section on this website would most likely take some time to develop, especially being a club site and approvals being necessary and all that."

You've got to be kidding - "approvals being necessary"???

And, who's asking for a "actual section"? I assume you mean a special/seperate section? Why would this be necessary? Again, your interpretation of my suggestions are wrong and biased to keep the status quo - a bland and sterile website.

This message was edited by MG on 6-21-11 @ 7:05 PM

06-21-2011 @ 6:42 PM
Posts: 19
Joined: Oct 2009
As you can see I have been a member of the EFV8CA for a few years and I am not a prolific poster. I began with your first post about "purist" and why the "other" sites seemed to be ustilized more. I simply gave my opinion concerning those points.

You may have a valid suggestion in the "It worked for me posts" So, go ahead what worked for you?

To have an actual section on this website would most likely take some time to develop, especially being a club site and approvals being necessary and all that. If shown it were popular, I'm sure considertion would be given to such a feature.

As to no longer being a regional group member, I find there are a things I do not like about the regional groups I belong to, but the good things definitely out weigh the bad. Again, JMHO LouB.

06-21-2011 @ 5:31 PM
Posts: 1262
Joined: Nov 2009

My post above was not meant to address the items in your response. It was about making suggestions to make this site a 'Go To' site, which it ain't. Everything I suggested would naturally be pertinent to basically 'original' flatheads given the purists here. I'd especially like to see unsolicited "It Worked For Me" posts along with the standard Q&A posts here.


I bailed from my local RG for the same reason as you - the wives took over and ran everything - the cars and guys were not involved - the RG meetings/events were just another excuse to gossip and eat!

This message was edited by MG on 6-21-11 @ 10:43 PM

06-21-2011 @ 4:51 PM
Posts: 19
Joined: Oct 2009
Okay here goes. I'm a member of the EFV8CA and several regional groups. I also, like JM and others check Fordbarn and the ChevyBarn (non Chevy) forum or the really old Fordbarn. The old Fordbarn is more of a social site with some technical issues thrown in. Many Early Ford V8 folks are also active participants. The new FordBarn is supposed to be for original Ford V8 cars and trucks but it's really about flathead powered cars that are being modernized with wonderful technology like 5 speed transmissions, electronic distributors and disc brakes. Like someone said it's your car have at it and do as you please.

This site has some modifications too, electric fuel pumps, hydraulic brakes in vehicles with standard mechanical brakes, etc. fairly mild compared to Fordbarn or H.A.M.B. vehicles. That is not to say that members do not own these vehicles it's just that most feel this is not the place to discuss that type of car.

It has been a sticking point for several years as to what the EFV8CA can do to get younger people involved in the hobby and the club. The problem arises when the by-laws and original club objective come into play. "To preserve and authentically maintain vehicles manufactured by the Ford Motor Company for the model years 1932 through 1953 inclusive....." To accomodate owners with other tastes Touring, Touring A, Display and Rouge classes were developed and implemented for national meets. Do you as members want to see a hot rod class at national meets? What limits would you implement? I saw more street rods, Touring and Touring A cars at the 2010 Western National Meet than there were original cars. Aren't there enough venues for modified or non-stock vehicles already? Just my humble and unsolicited opinion. LouB.

06-21-2011 @ 4:49 PM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
I'm not sure the aim of this site is to promote social activity. I left my RG because all they wanted to do was social stuff. I don't need a club for that. As I understood the club it is to promote and enhance the flathead Ford years.

06-21-2011 @ 4:03 PM
Posts: 1262
Joined: Nov 2009
For those interested, we could evolve this thread into a suggestion exchange as to what you think we could do to make this site more attractive. Maybe things like events you are planning to attend and pictures from those events you have attended. Or, how about RG news and events? How about pictures of those who post here and their shops? How about dedicating one day a week to some good old fashion, GOOD NATURED ball-busting? :o) How about some "It worked for me" threads, etc. etc. etc.? Your turn......

This message was edited by MG on 6-21-11 @ 4:31 PM

06-21-2011 @ 3:36 PM
Posts: 4232
Joined: Oct 2009
Jim, I think you are right about being more proactive on posting. What I do know is there are a lot of V-8 Club members who post on Fordbarn that don't post here. Some of them left this forum when the club made changes to this site. That is when we required a log- in to cut down on spam. At that time there was no log-in to Fordbarn and it was evident by the comments that they did not like the log-in process. Now that there is a log-in on Fordbarn there were some people that complained about the process over there. Interestingly those that didn't like a log-in on Fordbarn somehow adapted and stayed there. Again I don't have any pat answers to why we have a lack of posters here on the forum, but I do know the Fordbarn has a lot of social type activities. Those activities involve tours, picnics, etc. I suspect that has something to do with the popularity of the site. I'm sure there are other factors . but I think the social aspect plays a pretty big role in the lack of participation.

06-21-2011 @ 6:25 AM
New Member
Posts: 137
Joined: Oct 2010
As a new participant in the hobby and new to all of the sites I can give you feedback from my point of view. I started on AACA, then to here (where I joined the club) then to Fordbarn. Frankly the issue for me is that there is more activity over there. I do belive, as is stated, most of the activity is hot rodding. I also think there is a broader base that will cross populate the forums. Model A guys who read and post on the 32 to 50 and so on. I think if all the members make more of an effort to post here, we can drive the volume up.

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