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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / Upgrading to a 6V alternator question

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07-12-2018 @ 3:51 AM
New Member
Posts: 128
Joined: Aug 2016
I agree Ken I hate that word "Modern" or upgrades. My 46 is the main
line set of wheels. Oh yea my so called modern F350 gets 2 mpg down
hill >garbage fuel injected 460 while my 46 uses all of a whole 15 bucks
a month and will whip that 460 in a flash. BUT sometimes one gets
pushed into this alternator stuff when you have a cooked generator.
So for a pristine correct generator they want the big bucks and the Waiting
time shipping etc. So I went to local vender for a look a like alternator. He
didn't have a generator in stock but had a 6vt pos grd. alt. It was the downtime why I did it sam

07-09-2018 @ 10:33 AM
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Posts: 192
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Thank's Tom.That's what I like about this forum you learn something new every day,but sometimes later than I would like.Hopefully someone else will see this post and not make the same mistake as I.

07-09-2018 @ 8:49 AM
Posts: 7256
Joined: Oct 2009
You could have used a voltage regulator that replaces the cutout.



07-09-2018 @ 7:36 AM
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Posts: 192
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I was talked into switching to a 6 volt pos. grd. alternator a number of years ago on my 36, because I was told it would charge at idle,it doesn't, it only kicks on at about 1000 rpm.I am told that alternators need battery voltage to excite them at low rpm, meaning additional wiring.I would see no advantage in switching to an alternator in a later flat head with a voltage regulator,but with my 36 it seems I was always overcharging my battery no matter how much I moved the third brush and over charging meant I was always adding water to the battery. The alternators built in regulator is an advantage for me,as the battery recovers from initial start up or turning on lights etc. the amp. needle will move back to center. Anyway, as they say it works for me and no, I would never attempt to enter a concourse not that my car is show quality anyway. Because of the simple mount and one wire hookup I can put my generator back on in a matter of minuets.

ken ct.
07-03-2018 @ 8:18 AM
Posts: 1513
Joined: Jan 2010
I agree that's not an UPGRADE to me its a down grade OMO. ken ct

07-03-2018 @ 6:12 AM
Posts: 79
Joined: Oct 2014
Steve Lee,
I appreciate your good advice, but I think my problem(s) of poor starting are resolved without adding a 6V alternator. Instead, I cleaning every electrical contact in the primary engine/starting system to a bright and brassy shine. I installed a new/rebuilt carburetor (rebuilt by EFV8 member, Ken ct ) The old carburetor was eaten up by ethanol gas. The power piston leaked raw gas on the intake manifold. Not a good scenario. So now my '50 Ford starts strong and idles smoothly. And, honestly, I do like the advice of Tom O and Steve about keeping classic Ford cars as original as possible.
I still have other obstacles to address (Trico windshield washer unit) but as per the rules of our EFV8 discussion forums I will start another thread and ask for advice about those issues.
Thank you Steve,

06-30-2018 @ 8:35 AM
Posts: 1193
Joined: Mar 2013
Just buy a 6volt positive ground one. Randy has them.

Regards, Steve Lee

06-30-2018 @ 5:04 AM
Posts: 79
Joined: Oct 2014
Tom and Steve,
Please know I greatly value the advice and experience of good and loyal EFV8 members like you two. You guys, and others, have set me straight on many things old Ford related. I wish I could be a 'fly on the wall' as they say in your shops/garages and learn from you and the other masters in our club-like Ken ct. (Ken rebuilt a 94 carburetor for me and it works perfectly.) I thank him everyday.

As it turned out here is what I did with my '50 Ford after your posts:
1. I tabled the idea of going to a 6V alternator after reading your posts.
2. Instead, I took my generator and starter off and brought them to our local starter/alternator shop in Glasgow, KY. (The guys there flat out know everything there is to know about starter, generators etc, etc. Their shop has starter parts everywhere, only they know where stuff is, cat sleeping on the counter, you get the picture.) They bench tested my generator and starter. Both tested fine with brushes that 'will last longer than you and me together' they said.
3. So, I went through the primary wiring/ignition system and cleaned every contact and connection to a bright and brassy shine.
4. I put the battery on a charger last night so it will be a full charge when I attempt to start it up today.
5. After chores and Saturday errands I am going to see if it will fire up and charge as it should. That is the plan anyway.

Again, Tom and Steve, apologies not necessary. No offense, none meant, none taken. I greatly value your advice. Please keep it coming to me and others. And Steve you are correct, the world news these days can make any one crazy.
Thank you guys,

06-29-2018 @ 10:34 AM
Posts: 1165
Joined: Oct 2013
My apologies. After re-reading my earlier post I realized a 'snarkiness' existed that was unintended. I do stand on the originality foundation as the best long-term option for stock vehicles - it certainly could have worded it better. Shouldn't have watched the morning news that day.

Tom's comments about alternator longevity and associated ease (or lack thereof) of troubleshooting simple problems are on the mark.

Very nice car - my father owned one in the late 50's. First car I can remember riding in.


06-29-2018 @ 7:47 AM
Posts: 7256
Joined: Oct 2009
John, I like your car. Thanks for posting a photo.

My comment was not meant to be critical, I just did not understand the need to buy a NEG ground alternator when POS ground alternators are available.

My experience with 6 volt alternators is that they are more troublesome than a generator. My Lincoln came with one and it would drain the battery in 4 hours, due to shorted diodes. I had new diodes installed and they lasted a whole 6 months. I went back to the generator and have not had a problem with the charging system in the 3 years since.

I do like to keep the cars as close to original as I can, because I find that most modifications make the car less reliable and problem harder to diagnose.


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