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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / 36 speaker and/or speaker coner grill

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05-01-2020 @ 3:20 PM
Posts: 24
Joined: Jun 2014
Tom (?) I just read your post re: Ford headliner speaker enclosure/grill. Have you any suggestions where I can look?

Thank you,

Jim 35 5 window Standard Coupe


12-02-2014 @ 2:40 PM
Posts: 613
Joined: Oct 2009
A personal experience comes to mind when terminology like "never and always" is used.
In 1954 I wanted one of the new Y-block overhead valve powered Fords in the worst way, everybody wanted one so the dealers would not deal on them. It was list price or higher, or do without.
On a regular basis myself and several of my buddies would hang out in a beer bar after work playing shuffle board and pounding down a beer or two.
One of the regulars came in one evening announcing that he had bought a new Ford 2dr coupe. Naturally we all had to go look at it.
It was just the car I wanted, dark green with the Y block emblems on the front fenders.
The owner of the car was very proud of his new car, telling us about the power of the OHV V8 engine, naturally we all wanted to see the engine, the owner popped the hood, sitting in the engine compartment was an OHV 6 cyln..
Everybody was really giving the owner a bad time for buying a 6 cyln in lieu of a eight. The owner insisted that he had purchased an 8 cyln, he got out the sales contract and it said the car was an 8 cyln.
Of course the general opinion was, why the owner had not looked at the engine before he bought the car, or why he had not noted the lack of power.
The explanation given was that he had traded in a '50 Plymouth with a flat-head six, the OHV engine was like a rocket compared to the Plymouth.
My friend went back to the dealer the next day demanding that they give him an 8 cyln car, the dealer would only give him $25.00 back, the difference between the 8 & 6 cyln engines..
On Don Rogers comment wanting documentation that dealers were prone to use up accessories from previous years that they had in stock..
I doubt very much that a dealer was obligated, or would bother to send a letter to Ford that he had installed a '35 accessory in a later car.
I have seen it written that the only way a dealer could return parts to Ford was to go broke, so the game would be, sell them or throw them away, that is why so many NOS parts survived..

36 5 win delx cpe

12-02-2014 @ 12:44 AM
Posts: 450
Joined: Oct 2009

I agree with WMsteed to a point. I can see situations where a dealer might add a previous year's accessory to make a sale. But, in the case of the '35 overhead speaker, I am not so sure that would happen. I have a '35 and '36 header panel along with a '35 overhead speaker. The '35 speaker's shape does not lend itself to the '36 panel. I doubt if the speaker would fasten to the '36 cross brace or panel. Its' only attachment would be with the lower two mirror screws which would not be very secure.


Don Rogers
12-01-2014 @ 8:58 AM
Posts: 504
Joined: Oct 2009
WMsteed, I'd be most interested to see what has been written regarding the installation of the large 35 speaker in 36 closed cars by dealers. Do you have any such information to share? My research to date has not come up with any examples.



12-01-2014 @ 8:37 AM
Posts: 613
Joined: Oct 2009
A person should be careful using the terms, "never and always". The vast majority of accessories were dealer installed.
If a customer wanted a radio in his newly purchased vehicle and the dealer still had the previous model accessory (s) in stock, they were used without a second thought.
Of course the thought never entered the dealer/partsman's mind that fifty years down stream. someone would raise a question about the non-correct accessories..
My '36 is a very late car, built in August of '36. It has about every accessory that Ford offered for '36. It even has the "infamous", sometimes referred to as the Standard tire cover, which came out in August of '36..

36 5 win delx cpe

This message was edited by wmsteed on 12-1-14 @ 8:44 AM

11-30-2014 @ 5:48 PM
Posts: 16
Joined: Nov 2014
Again..Thanks to those who have replied.. I'm going to leave the car like it is..without a radio. There is no sign of a radio ever being in the car and since it's a late 36, it most likely was not equipped with one. I'm sure glad I joined Earlyfordv8..You guys are great..

11-30-2014 @ 2:06 PM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
Your best bet is to contact a place that specializes in old radios, Classic Auto Electric advertises in the V8 TIMES. Phone is 620/241-6927.

Don Rogers
11-30-2014 @ 1:08 PM
Posts: 504
Joined: Oct 2009
WMSTEED, While some closed car 35 radio chassis were used into early 36 production, none were used with the large exposed 35 speaker. A kit consisting of the smaller 36 concealed speaker, mounting hardware and a special transformer was used to make the 35 radio chassis compatable with the 36 speaker.

KEN CT All 36 speakers had a protective grille on them even if covered in header cloth. The grille was there to protect the delicate speaker cone and paper.

11-30-2014 @ 11:56 AM
New Member
Posts: 103
Joined: Jan 2014
If anyone is interested, I have the 1935 speaker enclosure that attaches to the header. The Service Bulletins show it on page 261,figure 370. It has a speaker in it, but not sure if it is correct.

11-28-2014 @ 10:28 AM
Posts: 613
Joined: Oct 2009
I think it has been written that the early '36's had in some cases the '35 exposed spear encased within a housing that was attached to the windshield header panel.
The factory allowed the dealers to use up their stock of parts before they had to transition to current accessories.
If a person is trying to make their car into a period correct vehicle, then early accessories could be a must have item.
As for myself, in over 60 years of fooling around with '36 and later Fords, I have never seen a factory Philco radio in a '36 with an externally mounted speaker except on the open cars, which had the speaker mounted to the radio box.
The speaker in my '36 is concealed behind the upholstery covering the header panel.

36 5 win delx cpe

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