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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / 36 Ford at Higher Elevations Such as 7000 ft.

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03-25-2014 @ 5:35 AM
Posts: 78
Joined: Oct 2009
Posted "Indy to L.A. in 36 Ford" late Feb. Really appreciated everyone's responses, very helpful. Thanks.

Would appreciate any potential concerns, suggestions & insight into 36 Ford operation at higher altitudes. For example, elevation up to about 7320 ft. near Flagstaff.

I've only driven car in Indiana no higher than about a 1000 ft.

Added 3/25 17:30 EST
Have Stromberg carb. Added auxiliary electric fuel pump couple summers ago. Pump has helped starting several times during apparent vapor lock.

This message was edited by 36fordor on 3-25-14 @ 2:39 PM

ken ct.
03-25-2014 @ 6:57 AM
Posts: 1513
Joined: Jan 2010
I would go down mabey 2 sizes smaller than stock,depends what carb your running.Strom 48 would go to .046's // Strom 97 down to .043's and if your running a 94 type down to .047's. Stroms you would have to have a special jet removaltool with you to replace and new gaskets for the bowl plugs.This is not too easy to do on a 94 carb as the float is in the way of the straight shot to the jets. There is a tool for Holleys also but carb must be in an upside down position so float is kind of out of the way. ken ct. If your used to working with carbs its not that much of a problem to change them on the road. OMO ken ct.

03-25-2014 @ 8:31 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
I drove a basically stock '35 Ford across the country and back last June. I had a rebuilt Stromberg 97 with stock jets and power valve on my car for the entire 7200 mile trip. I didn't notice enough performance variation at different elavations that made me feel the need for changing jets. The biggest problem I had at high elevation was with vaporlock caused by the alcohol enriched gas and engine temps on 90-100° days. I did not have an electric fuel pump on my car that would have allowed a quick recovery from the dreaded VL. Instead, I had a cooler full of ice water. I would soak two rags in the ice water and place one on the fuel pump and the other on the carb fuel bowl. Within 5 mins I was back on my way again.


This message was edited by JM on 3-25-14 @ 9:52 PM

03-25-2014 @ 9:19 AM
Posts: 2788
Joined: Oct 2009
Ken must be having a bad day. First, no jet change is needed at all for a drive-through trip. There is so much leeway in fuel mixture that the only thing that would happen is a slight sooting of the plugs which would clear up on the first downhill run.

And about 94 jets being hard to change? Not at all. Use an ordinary screwdriver having a blade large enough to span the jet and match the thickness of the jet's slot. You'll have to grind off the shoulders of the driver for clearance through the plug hole. One caveat here: Any debris in the bowl at the time you remove the jets can get washed into the passages of the carb, so best to rinse the bowl to drain out the plug holes before removing the jets. Again, though, don't bother changing jets if you're just driving through.


03-25-2014 @ 10:34 AM
Posts: 1460
Joined: Oct 2009
Ken/Alan: As I recall, externally-adjustable main jets used to be available for Strombergs.
The one's I've seen had a sort of "T-handle", and you could just screw them in a tad to lean things out. Anyone still make those?

ken ct.
03-25-2014 @ 10:29 PM
Posts: 1513
Joined: Jan 2010
The "T" handle jobs I run across once in a while on old cores. JM and Alan may be right for a pass through there and only was trying to answer his question dosent mean it will be required Thanks fellas. ken ct.

ken ct.
03-25-2014 @ 10:42 PM
Posts: 1513
Joined: Jan 2010
Alan I would NEVER try to remove 94 jets with the carb on the car. Too much chance of the jet falling off the screwdriver remember the float is in the down position when the bowl is empty and its in the way of the driver. Even with the special tool that Holley has its a chancy operation at best. OMO ken ct.

03-26-2014 @ 6:56 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
I would not waste my time putting a set of externally adjustable jets on a carburetor. You will spend more time under the hood than you could ever imagine trying to get them set correctly. HOWEVER, if you, or someone else reading this post, feel you just have to have a set of these external adjusters, I have a brand new set still in their original packaging that I know I will never use, and they are for sale .

This message was edited by JM on 3-26-14 @ 7:19 AM

ken ct.
03-26-2014 @ 8:05 AM
Posts: 1513
Joined: Jan 2010
Your right on that one John,more trouble than their worth. I think I have a pair from a 94 sitting in the 94 jet draw.I think i'll clean them up for Gettysburg, GM is a sucker for these things. See you there or before in Rhinebeck.Don't forget the 2 flat top coils for me. LOL. ken ct.

03-26-2014 @ 2:48 PM
Posts: 2788
Joined: Oct 2009
Ken, I thought you knew... GM invented adjustables for his '39 LOL! Where have you been all your life you don't know that?


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