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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / 1940 convertible wiper motor ???

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02-24-2013 @ 5:30 AM
Posts: 3423
Joined: Oct 2009
Super, I am in complete agreement with you. I respect both the "Henry's" and the Edsels" of our club.
In reality, I kind of envy the "Edsels". Once I finish a car, I simply don't have the heart to drive it. Plus, quite honestly, I enjoy the restoration process the most vs. driving them.

Deuce, You are correct of course in regard to the "Whiz kids" naming the Edsel long after he had passed away. I doubt many folks put the time frames together and figure that out.
I am coming to the conclusion you enjoy the history perhaps as much as the cars...

02-23-2013 @ 8:04 PM
Posts: 284
Joined: Oct 2009
Off topic but I ALWAYS explain to people who rag on Edsel cars that Edsel the person was responsible for the styling and colors of the most popular cars Ford made during the 30s and 40s. He was long dead when the Whiz kids decided to name the radical style car the Edsel. Very unfortunate. I agree with Super 100% on this.

02-23-2013 @ 3:03 PM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
I've seen your restorations, Mike, and they are splendid! Most of the old cars we have worked on had a radio which obscured the wiper motor. If the radio didn't, the speaker usually did. I've always believed our Club is divided into two sections, those with the desire to restore to exactly the way Henry built it, and those of us who prefer to actually drive our vehicles safely on a regular basis. I'm sure you will agree that both are vital to our Club, thus the various classes on the concourse. I have always suspected that the traditionalists should be the "Henrys", and those favoring changes should be the "Edsels" to favor the company's historical basis. To me, one of the great injustises is the linking of Edsel with the failure of the car line bearing his name. If it wasn't for his styling genius (and that of E.T. (Bob) Gregorie), I doubt we would love our old Fords as much as we do now, 70 years after Edsel's death I hope mention will be made regarding this anniversary of his passing.

This message was edited by supereal on 2-23-13 @ 8:31 PM

02-23-2013 @ 1:11 PM
Posts: 3423
Joined: Oct 2009
You are correct Super. I would hope (and expect) a competent judge to actually inspect beneath a dash board...

02-23-2013 @ 10:08 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
I'm not an authority on the'40, Kube, but isn't the wiper motor installed up under the cowl where the links operate the unusual chain driven wiper towers? I suppose you could lay on your back and see up there, if so.

02-23-2013 @ 7:04 AM
Posts: 3423
Joined: Oct 2009
Super, for us purists... the wiper motor CAN be seen. tsk, tsk...

02-22-2013 @ 5:00 PM
Posts: 1969
Joined: Oct 2009
37,38,39,40 Open Cars [ CABRIOLETS and CONVERTIBLES ]and Stationwagons use the same wiper motor,
even the chrome transmissons,linkages are the same,
they are installed in under the cowl, were the closed car is in the header,
my 3 cents 37RAGTOPMAN be there done that,,,
if you do not have wiper motor to rebuild,PM me,
originals bolt directly in with no problems

02-21-2013 @ 4:01 PM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
No quarrel from me, Alan and Dan. You both know me, and that I am not a purist. That's why I have a third stoplight, halogen headlights fed via a relay, and other changes to improve safety and, in some cases, convenience. As for wipers, I rebuilt my wiper motor years ago, and it is still vacuum. The few times I have been caught in the rain, I reexperienced the exasperation of having the wipers stall just when they were needed to see clearly. My cars are stock enough to produce the driving experience I remember, but I don' t sacrifice my safety, as I actually drive my old cars. And I cerrtainly enjoy the FM radio conversion, too, as well as a near perfect restoration of others.To me, that is the joy of having a useable result of years of hard work in saving a great car, and a piece of history.

02-21-2013 @ 1:45 PM
Posts: 1460
Joined: Oct 2009
Alan: I'll side with you on that one. In the late 50's, I installed a rather pricey (for me) electric wiper motor in my 38 wagon. I had quite a struggle getting it to clear the
radio speaker, but ultimately it worked, and worked very well given that with the 3-Strombergs and Harmon & Collins cam, I never had enough vacuum to wipe even going downhill.

When I decided to put stuff back to as close to original as I could, I opted for a nice
original Trico, and some re-pop wiper transmissions. It is part of the old car "mystique"
at least for me. But no, I'm not giving up my hydraulic brakes!

02-21-2013 @ 12:40 PM
Posts: 2780
Joined: Oct 2009
Bob, I suppose we're going to get into a discussion here about purists and make-do guys. I don't include Hot Rodders here, as we're only talking abiout functionality of the originals. The vaccuum wipers, when rebuilt, function as they did when new, meaning go up as hill, they stop, let off the gas, they go. This is what it's all about for me and many others. The hum and squawk in the radio is another one. If you want a modern car with all the modern conveniences, it's easier to go out and buy one in the first place.


This message was edited by ford38v8 on 2-21-13 @ 12:41 PM

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