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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / LITTLE OR NO OIL IN VALVE CHAMBER

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09-08-2011 @ 12:52 PM
Posts: 12
Joined: Jan 2011
Well finally got engine all back togeather and redid the duel exhaust i paid someone to do, i have found out when working on the old cars you are better off to to the work yourself,if possible, fired the engine and it purred like a kitten,really quiet and the knock was gone,,i had no 7 wrist pin bushing replaced and fitted, now i hope to set body on the chassis and enstall the new floorpans. thanks for all the help.DP

Bill Wright
09-02-2011 @ 11:45 AM
Posts: 49
Joined: Oct 2009
Calming down.
Too Close for Rockets,switching to Guns!!

Thank You.

Don't Believe Everything You Think!
Bill Wright

09-01-2011 @ 5:00 PM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
These flatheads have lasted for decades with the oil pressure being very low, particularly when hot. The bearing clearances, by modern standards, are very loose. Many early engines, Chevy for example, ran for decades using a "dip"system, rather than full pressure oiling. If you look at modern oil pressure gauges, which are becoming scarce, you seldom see numbers on them, just a range. If you are obsessing over old Ford oil pressure, you need to calm down and enjoy the ride!

Bill Wright
09-01-2011 @ 4:05 PM
Posts: 49
Joined: Oct 2009
Will changing to a "Melling" or High velocity pump improve the oil pressure?

Don't Believe Everything You Think!
Bill Wright

Bill Wright
09-01-2011 @ 2:58 PM
Posts: 49
Joined: Oct 2009
I have a '39 Merc in my '37.
Skat rotating assembly,Harmon Collins cam.
At startup I get 50# or more.
As it warms up and at 50-60 miles an hour I get maybe 20-25#
And nearly nothing at idle.
I have an Isspro mech. gauge,I thought was faulty and installed an old Stewart Warner Mech gauge.
They mimic the factory dash gauge nearly pound for pound.
Are these normal pressures?
Straight 40W Castrol?

Don't Believe Everything You Think!
Bill Wright

09-01-2011 @ 6:00 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
In most cases, the oil pump is rated at 40 pounds (later is 80), but the cold pressure is about 30 and drops as engine temperature rises. At idle, the gauge generally shows little or no pressure, but don't worry, there is enough to protect the moving parts. This tends to drive many owners nuts, but the wide clearances of these old engines means that, at most speeds, there is a shower of oil inside to provide enough lubrication. I run 20-50 weight oil in the summer. It helps to keep a bit more pressure if you run at highway speeds. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. If you are still concerned, install a mechanical gauge as an add-on.

Bill Wright
08-31-2011 @ 6:39 PM
Posts: 49
Joined: Oct 2009
So what oil pressure should these engines run.
#'s @ Freeway Speed?
#'s @ 25-35 MPH?
#'s @ Idle?

Don't Believe Everything You Think!
Bill Wright

08-31-2011 @ 3:01 PM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
The clearances are, for exhaust .014 to .016. Intakes .010 to .012. I've been setting valves for over half a century, yet I always seem to manage having a noisy one. I hope your sloppy wrist pin fixes the noise. Wrist pins are usually less noisy than piston slap. Stock 59AB engines have a relief oil valve in the valve chamber. There were two oil pumps used, one with a relief valve in the pump, the other without. The one without the relief has the intake fastened directly to the pump. The other uses an intake on a pipe connected to the pump. Your post started with a concern over a dry valve chamber. Did you ever find out why oil distribution wsa apparently low? It might be wise to replace the pump while you have the engine apart. Most of them now are the 80# variety.

This message was edited by supereal on 8-31-11 @ 3:02 PM

08-31-2011 @ 1:27 PM
Posts: 12
Joined: Jan 2011
after taking a couple days off,thinking the noise was a valve ,found out my lath was off a little bit,pulled the piston on no 3L ,GUESS WHAT ,THE WRIST PIN HAD quite a bit of slop,took to local machine and had a new bushing fitted,in the process of reassemblying now ,well see if the knock has gone,all the other clearences were on speck,has to be the wrist pin,,, the engine has a oil pump with built in pressure relief.any issues with this along with the pr valve in valve chamber?,this is a 59 ab setting the valve to .012 abd .014 is this ok for a quiet engine?

08-29-2011 @ 9:32 AM
Posts: 7264
Joined: Oct 2009
With the floating bearings, you must check the rod to bearing and the rod to crank clearances. You must also check the rod opening for roundness. Give Red Hamilton a call for the procedure and specifications.


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