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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / Phony Baloney

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06-10-2011 @ 8:19 PM
Posts: 4232
Joined: Oct 2009
Since I have V-8 Times dating back to 1967 I did a check to see how many issues did not have a member's car on the cover. From 1967 to 1996 I found that 21 covers did not have a member's car on the front cover. The covers ranged from having Ford factory photos, to water color paintings of V-8s,a couple of covers using photo negatives of V-8s, some covers with Ford advertising of new cars, one with a painting from an ad in Ford News, one of a Christmas ornament reflecting a 53 Merc grille, one of a painting of a Christmas scene, and one of a members 41 convertible driving on a ribbon of 1000 bills. Talk about a computer modified photo, this one of the 41 was done by a friend of editor Bob McCoppin. Just for info the one cover that created the big controversy with the young girl in the Merc convert was the March/April 1992 issue.
There is no mandate that the cover of the Times contain a photo of a member's car. I just received my V-8 Times today and I'm still trying to figure out why there is such a big fuss. I gave it to my wife(who has taken many classes in photography) and asked her if she saw anything wrong with the cover. Her comment " I think it's a cool photo, it makes me feel like I'm drivng down the street in the convertible".
So I'll go back to my original post. For those that don't like the cover you need to remain calm and take a deep breath.Ignore the cover and read the magazine as if you never saw the cover. Life is way too short to have some minor issue such as a magazine cover cause your blood pressure to rise or put your shorts in a knot. This too shall pass and be forgotten once you get the September/October issue.

06-10-2011 @ 6:57 AM
Posts: 7264
Joined: Oct 2009

I like to see good photos of the dash boards and other interior appointments as well as photos of cars. This particular photo shop exercise tries to make the dashboard photo interesting.

Jerry Windle does a great job of publishing a great magazine 6 times a year. The cover photos take a lot of research to find something that is interesting to the general membership and IMHO, Jerry is in tune with the majority of the membership, who like to drive, show their cars and read about them. This may irritate the people that only trailer their cars to shows, but I think that the Club has room for both groups.

With digital cameras, it has become more affordable to take quality photos, but not everyone has the ability to take photos that are interesting enough for the cover of the V-8 Times.


06-09-2011 @ 8:29 PM
Posts: 2780
Joined: Oct 2009
To all those who have hijacked my post, it has been an interesting read, to say the least.

What this thread shows above all is that there are passionate people involved here that have very definite ideas about the future of the Club. We've always had the passion, and it ain't goin' away any time soon. Most of you guys know me to be a Purist, but I'll tell you right now that I'd also love to have a Deuce Highboy, and I don't think anyone here could honestly claim that they wouldn't enjoy having one too.

We are passionate about Fords, our Families, our Club, and our Friends. We hijack each others posts to make our feelings clear, and that's good. The only thing I'm sorry about with this post is that my message seems to have got lost in the shuffle:

Does anyone here really prefer this month's cover to an actual picture of a Member's car? Defend the Baloney as art if you will, but artwork doesn't belong on the cover of our V8 Times! We want our traditional V8 Times Cover back again! Jerry, Help! I know you're reading all this! Tell them how to get their cars on the cover.


06-09-2011 @ 6:04 PM
Posts: 85
Joined: Oct 2009
I've been reading this thread and my tongue is sore from my biting it. I can't resist anymore.

I've been a club member for quite a few years. Probably about 20. I agree with the notion that the club is committed to originality, nor street rods, resto-rods, etc. as outlined in the bylaws.

I saw the comments before I got my copy of the Times, which arrived yesterday. I was expecting to see some cobbled up mess that wouldn't live up to our usual high expectations. What I saw, instead, was a cover that celebrates combining the pleasure of an outing in an old car with the celebration of summer and the Fourth of July in a quintessential American small town. I didn't find it necessary to examine the shadows in the picture to see if they all went the same way or what gear the car seemed to be in. Is that important? Sure, I like to drool over the pictures on the cover of cars I'll never have, but I also enjoy having my car out in town enjoying the summer. To me, that's the essence of the hobby.

I own a dead-stock Rouge-class car and will keep it that way. I also drive it around and enjoy every minute of it.

Jerry Windle (can't you guys even spell his name right?) puts out a top-notch magazine that addresses a lot of interesting subjects. Sure, some are more interesting than others, reflecting my own personal interests. I certainly haven't noticed a decline in quality over the years or a shift away from "the way Henry made it".

I guess what surprises me most of all is the vitriol I'm reading. It's inappropriate and infantile.



06-09-2011 @ 11:29 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
Against my better judgement, I'll offer an opinion, too. I've been receiving the V8 TIMES since 1975 and have seen plenty of changes over the years, usually reflecting prevailing interests. I don't recall any campaign to restrict the publication to please only the purists. It is likely that the TIMES, along with the Club, would have disappeared long ago in that event. I'm not a street rod, or "resto-rod" fancier, but witness that even a stalwart such as Bob Drake has enlarged his wares to include those who are, in order to survive as we "flatheads" reach the "golden years". I admire Editor Windle's ability to keep the TIMES not only going, but fresh.

This message was edited by supereal on 6-9-11 @ 5:36 PM

06-09-2011 @ 8:56 AM
Posts: 3422
Joined: Oct 2009
I feel Itstom and Fomocomandan hit it right on the head. This isn't simply about the cover "art". It's about the obvious trend the magazine has taken over the past couple of years. Anyone and everyone is able to (SHOULD) read the bylaws. This club is all about the preservation, restoration and maintenance of authenticity.
Don't like that? You'd rather have a rod? Okay. That's fine. But don't think for a moment it's okay to change this club to suit that purpose. Being a member means you've agreed to support the bylaws. Being a board member and / or employee of this club means it is your SWORN DUTY to be certain those bylaws are enforced.
Sure, it's easier to "look the other way" and attempt to keep everyone happy. But, guess what? Keeping everyone happy is never going to happen.
That brings us squarely back to the beginning: Do what you were elected to do, what you are paid to do whether or not it is necessarily what you'd prefer.
Don't want to? Can't? Then quit.

06-09-2011 @ 8:00 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
Jerry Windle personally took several pictures of my original Rouge class '35 fordor slantback sedan at the 2010 WNM in St George, Utah. I would be extremely honored if he would use one of these pictures on either the front or back cover of the V8 Times. I'm sure many other members would also be honored to have a picture of their car on the cover or anywhere in the V8 Times. Is it a requirement that we request our cars to be shown on the cover? If so, Jerry, you have my permission.


This message was edited by JM on 6-10-11 @ 6:08 AM

06-09-2011 @ 5:15 AM
Posts: 6
Joined: Dec 2009
In response to trjford8: Yes, it is a thankless job. First, we did not ask to be critiqued. When we took our groups newsletters over, a copy of this had always been sent to Jerry, we continued the practice. An e-mail from Jerry was sent to a fellow club member, he forwarded us Jerry’s e-mail. So yes, I do know it was from Windell. If Jerry had a problem with the newsletter, he should have addressed us personally, not just someone he knows. I can agree that Windell puts out a good magazine. My problem is, I don’t think its right that a street rod was used for the last two years on the cover of the roster. The photos were tricked out to hide that they were street-rods. That in itself is an insult. The second thing is this month’s cover: authenticity aside, this amounts to a free advertisement for a business. I still maintain a member’s vehicle should have been used on these covers. As far as the street rod issue goes, I think what everyone is up in arms about is the modern street-rod. Back in the old days, street-rods were made out of cars that were too far gone to restore. I’ve done that in the past myself. The modern street-rod in many cases, these people aren’t even real car people. They see all this stuff on these hyped up TV shows and figure I want one of those. What has happened is, cars that were mint original cars, and cars restored to Dearborn standards are being destroyed. One car here locally was a 36 Ford with 6,000 actual miles on it. This car was a piece of history, its gone forever, turned into a street-rod. If this was a rare occasional happening, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. It is now become the norm. That’s why this club is needed in its original state, so what is left can be preserved. If you’re thinking this is not necessarily so, in this area it definitely is. A friend of mine who is a dealer, buying and selling old Fords for years, now almost everyone he sells goes to a street-rodder. It makes him sick, but that is his business. That is why I get upset when I see anything in the V-8 Times that promtes street-rod or hot-rods. There are other venues out there if you’re interested in that type of car. Promoting hot rods or hot-rod meets has no place in the V-8 Times.
For those that think some are biddies and whiners, this is a V-8 forum for discussions, that is what is happening; discussion.
Tom, I believe you hit the nail on the head.

06-08-2011 @ 9:24 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: Jan 2011
I'm relatively new to all of this, as I have only been active with early v-8's for a few years. And I straddle the line a bit between original and restored cars. I have a bone stock '39 Fordor (that will always be bone stock) and a '41 coupe that is a driver with headers and tube shocks.

I enjoy both cars, but would never expect a picture of the '41 to be in the Times. Because the Times, and this club, are for cars that are original, or restored in a manner that is in keeping with the way Henry intended them to be built. Period. That's what this club is about. And the Times, in my opinion, should champion those goals and assist people in restoring their cars correctly if they do choose to restore them.

I would not post a question on this forum about a 2x2 intake for my '41, that's what the HAMB is for. Likewise, no one over there knows or cares about the correct hardware I need for the hood of my '39.

Those of us who don't like doctored images or ads for hotrod parts in the Times are not whiners and cry-babies, we are people who expect to receive the product we are paying for. Does anyone believe that it is harder to compile a magazine that supports the stated goals of the club than to compile a magazine that does not? Bob Drake can still advertise, but how about backing off the chrome headers and blue dot tail lights.

Are there any members who would cancel their subscriptions if the photos and articles were more accurate? I didn't think so. Now, are there any members who would cancel their subscriptions if the photos and articles are not more accurate in the future? I think I see a few hands.

So please, mister editor, just give us what we pay for.


06-08-2011 @ 8:02 PM
Posts: 4232
Joined: Oct 2009
Fomocomandan, are you sure that Jerry was the one who critiqued your newsletter? Generally newsletters are critiqued by the person who rates the newsletters for the contest. Personally I have not known Jerry to randomly critique newsletters. Did you ask him to critique it? If so, you opened yourself up for an opinion. Just for info many of us have streetrods and stock V-8s. We pay our dues, support the club, attend regional meets and volunteer our time to judge ,help with registration,help organize national meets, etc. We do support the mission of the club.Some of us even spend time on this website helping folks with flathead problems.Sorry that some of us don't quite fit your idea of a V-8er.
Kube, Jerry does get paid to do the job, but if you examine the salary vs the salary of the editors for other car magazines it is a very small amount. As the person doing the 40 book you well know how much time goes into putting a publication together. I would not attempt to do either job just knowing the amount of time it takes and the research to get it right. My wife worked for 8 years for Lorin Sorensen, so I know how much effort goes into magazines and books.
I don't have my Times yet, but commenting on the cover would be the last thing on my mind.I recall years ago a club member's car was on the front cover with a young lady in a short skirt sitting behind the wheel. Poor old Bob McCoppin took all kinds of heat from a bunch of women from "Women's Christian Temperance Union"(members wives,LOL) about an inappropriate cover. Some went as far as trying to cancel their husband's membership.
I've been a member since 1974 and have seen all types of controversy in this club. All minor stuff, but some take it way out of perspective. The 41-48 issue, the 49-53 issue, the re-alignment issue(giving other areas of the U.S. more say in club business), the "racy" cover issue, and now the June-July cover issue. I'm sure I missed a few controversies, but you get the idea. So folks, sit back, put your feet up, and read the V-8 Times like you always do every two months. This too shall pass.

This message was edited by trjford8 on 6-8-11 @ 8:49 PM

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