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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / Phony Baloney

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06-07-2011 @ 10:55 PM
Posts: 2780
Joined: Oct 2009
Apparently, gone are the days when we could count on admiring a fellow V8ers car on the cover of the V8 Times. This issue's cover is a mishmash of half a dozen different pictures Photoshopped, airbrushed, amateurish, and very lame.

You made your point, Jerry. Now promise us you'll never do it again if the members keep you supplied with pics suitable for the cover?

Members: Front Cover pics need to be tall, Back Cover pics can be panoramic. Turn your camera sideways to get a pic to fit the Front Cover. Jerry is desperate for pics! Heck, he even put my old wreck on the cover once, and he didn't airbrush the Desert Waterbag hanging from the bumper, either!


06-08-2011 @ 5:48 AM
Posts: 74
Joined: Jun 2010
Personally I think the cover looks Great. Good job Jerry.


06-08-2011 @ 6:34 AM
Posts: 3422
Joined: Oct 2009
Just for fun, how about we have a little contest here?
Let's call it: "See how many things you can find wrong with the cover."
Funny, but supposedly the guy that did this takes great pride in detail. Really?
Okay, I'll start:
1) The car is going 15mph. In REVERSE! Plus, no one is driving. An accident waiting to happen!
2) Shadows are from two completely different directions.
Okay, there are at least six more. I gave you guys a start. Have fun!

37 Coupe
06-08-2011 @ 7:14 AM
Posts: 362
Joined: Oct 2009
I think it is an interesting and colorfull front cover. There have been other covers that have been artistically altered before photoshop or chop or whatever like Jan/Feb 1994 just for starters.

06-08-2011 @ 8:06 AM
Posts: 6
Joined: Dec 2009
When I first received my issue and looked at the cover, I thought it was kind of neat, until I looked in the magazine and saw a similar one. I found the inside one was an advertisement for Wheels of Time. Besides the fact that both pictures are inaccurate, the cover itself turns out to be an unbelievable free advertisement for a vendor. I think Jerry has his lines crossed between members and vendors. This is a member publication. Members should come first and the cover should be a member’s car. Not an example of a vendors work.

06-08-2011 @ 8:33 AM
Posts: 284
Joined: Oct 2009
I wonder how many complainers have produced an award winning publication for as many years as Jerry has. Get a life. Picking apart something as subjective as a picture is something I find lame. There is far too much negativity these days in all aspects of our lives.

06-08-2011 @ 9:01 AM
Posts: 1460
Joined: Oct 2009

At least he's not in overdrive. Radio antenna is a "bit" short, and interior sun angle is
pretty low for 11:10AM in the summer. Actually, overall I like the effort, and who is to say that the 39 doesn't belong to a Club member. Fellow's temp gauge appears to be working, motor's not running hot, but he really needs to get the speedo fixed. Jerry does a magnificent job with the Times, and while I'm not a PhotoShop fan, I appreciate the effort.


06-08-2011 @ 9:22 AM
Posts: 6
Joined: Dec 2009
We know that it is a lot of work to put out a magazine. As an editor of the EFV-8 Times, our National Publication, the publication should be as accurate as possible. These two pictures are far from accurate. That is not the only thing: the past two years the Roster cover has been camouflaged street rods that were owned by Bob Drake. That is the reason for my comment referring to members versus vendors. There should have been member cars in these three places.
EFV-8 Club was meant to preserve the Early Ford V-8's, not to promote hot-rods in any way. That seems to be the direction lately. These folks need to join a street-rod club if that's the direction they want to go.
You want to talk about negativity and picking something apart; there wasn’t much in our regional group’s newsletter for four years before this past year. My wife and I volunteered to take it over. Neither one of us had ever done anything like this before, but we got members involved by sending us stories about their V-8 Ford’s to publish. We had many members tell us how great it was, and that finally there was something interesting to read in it. Even though it took us a lot of time, we were very enthusiastic about doing it. Apparently Windell got a copy of it, and didn't like because it was not journalistically correct. One of the things he called it was a mess (along with many other negative comments), because it had too much printing per page. Club members sent us stories and we made sure to include them in our monthly newsletter. After receiving Windells negative comments (not one positive comment), that took out the enjoyment for us, and after this month we are giving it up. It is a shame because our club members did enjoy our work. Our club consists of 80 members; it is not a national publication. We didn't know you had to be a professional journalist to put out a newsletter for a regional group. Sounds like Windell has enough problems on his plate without sticking his nose into Regional Group newsletters. I can say at least I know the difference between a Cabriolet and a Roadster, which he didn't a few months ago. Now Windle needs a proofreader?
Does that sound like sour grapes? Yeah, maybe!

37 Coupe
06-08-2011 @ 9:40 AM
Posts: 362
Joined: Oct 2009
Sounds like sour fermented grapes to me.

06-08-2011 @ 10:28 AM
Posts: 1262
Joined: Nov 2009
Picky, picky, picky!!! What a bunch of whiny old 'BIDDIES'! And people ask me why I don't become more involved with the EFV8 Club and especially it's RG's. With all the ragging Jerry has to take with every issue of the Times, I'm amazed at his intestinal fortitude in staying on as it's Editor. The V8 Times is the primary reason I belong to this so called 'club'. Again, "what a bunch whiny of old 'biddies'"!!!

This message was edited by MG on 6-8-11 @ 5:19 PM

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