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EFV-8 Club Forum / General Ford Discussion / 12 Volt Conversion

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11-22-2016 @ 7:28 AM
Posts: 491
Joined: Jan 2016
Re 6 volt Halogens bulbs:

Could it be that today's Halogen bulbs do not draw the excessive current like the earlier Halogens did?

My 1940 came to me with 6 volt Halogen headlights bulbs installed, and no problem with too much current draw. No dimming, even at idle without voltage increase from the generator output. (The car does have a new strong battery, and I have put contact cleaner and a wire brush to every connector) Now I tried a Halogen tail/stop light bulb (just one tail light on my Standard model). No problem. So I am running with Halogens front and rear, can drive at night without any problem.

This message was edited by JayChicago on 11-22-16 @ 9:28 AM

11-22-2016 @ 1:36 AM
New Member
Posts: 128
Joined: Aug 2016
Back in early 1960s my father used a mid fiftys Ford 12 generator /regulator for a 1950
F6 which I have today. Same 6vt starter and never touched it all these years.
Its running as fast as you hit the button, so thats my proof.....sam

11-21-2016 @ 12:06 PM
Posts: 894
Joined: Oct 2009

I hope you take Tom’s suggestion about starting a new thread in a positive manner as I am sure that was the way it was intended. I have another one, also well intended, to add to it. When you request information be sent to your email you and everyone else loses. When compared to posting you lose because nobody will see it and correct the response if it is wrong (we all make mistakes). Other people will not see the answer and use it as a springboard for additional ideas. People won’t respond to you assuming someone has already done so. Everyone else loses since they will not be able to benefit from the information.

Also I suggest you add your general location to your profile. Someone with the answer may live in the same town.

Welcome to the site.

Charlie Stephens

11-21-2016 @ 10:07 AM
Posts: 7264
Joined: Oct 2009
Dann, you are a new member and I welcome your participation in this Forum. Most of us would prefer that when you have a problem that you start a new thread, and keep it updated until the problem is resolved.

The most common cause of a slow starter is resistance in the circuit from the battery to the starter. To check for this connect a voltmeter COM or black lead to the NEG battery post and the + or red lead to the terminal on the starter. Operate the starter with the ignition off and read the voltmeter. It should read 0.3 volts or less. If it reads more than that, move the red lead to the next connection toward the battery, this should be the starter switch or solenoid, repeat the test and look for a reading of 0.2 or lower. If it is more than that, the cable from the battery should be replaced.

When you have determined that the cable and connections on the NEG side are all good, check out the grounding circuit by connecting the red lead of the meter to the POS post and the black lead to one of the starter mounting bolts. Operate the starter and read the meter. It should show 0.1 volts or less. If it shows more, remove the starter from the oil pan and clean the mounting surface of the starter and the pan. Repeat the test. If it is still more than 0.1 volts replace the ground cable from the motor to the body and the ground cable from the battery to the frame. Make sure that the area where the ground cable is connected is clean, with no rust or corrosion.

You said that you have a new battery and that is the next thing to check. Connect the voltmeter across the posts of the battery and operate the starter. The volt meter should read above 5.0 volts. If it is less than that, your battery does not have enough power.

If all of the above tests are satisfactory, either your starter is bad or the engine is too tight.

If you need more help with this problem, please open a new thread and let us know what tests were performed and the results.


11-21-2016 @ 3:39 AM
Posts: 3
Joined: Nov 2016
I'd like to know more about this set-up,my 36 turns over slow,new battery&starter, the right cables,still no starting.you can email me at dann_campbell@yahoo.com

11-19-2009 @ 8:12 AM
Posts: 6819
Joined: Oct 2009
We tried a set of Bob Drake halogen headlight a long time ago and found, as mentioned above, that a 6 volt wiring and charging system isn't capable of making them any brighter, if at all, than the original sealed beams. It is encouraging to know that, finally, 12 volt LED headlights have come on the market. We hope that 6 volt versions will follow. LEDs are the answer to brighter (and safer) lights than halogens without expensive modifications.

11-19-2009 @ 4:49 AM
Posts: 44
Joined: Nov 2009
ford38v8, I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I have done your experiment years ago and you were right the halogen current draw was high, I had a set of headlights installed in a 12 volt jeep with marginal wiring and where it had ok regular lights the halogen were a dim glow. The new style halogen have roughly the same draw as tungsten and are much brighter. Here is where I got my taillights.



1950 F1 Stake

This message was edited by JebNY on 11-19-09 @ 4:49 AM

11-19-2009 @ 3:24 AM
Posts: 573
Joined: Oct 2009
I agree with TomO. A properly maintained 6-volt system will work just fine. You don't need 12 volts unless you want to install modern accessories.


11-18-2009 @ 10:51 PM
Posts: 2779
Joined: Oct 2009
Jeb, Halogens and 6V just don't go together, period. The problem is that
Halogens demand so much juice that the wiring can't carry the load, and
the bulbs are dim as a result. In addition, all other circuits are affected.
Try this on your Crosley, if you don't believe me: While driving at night,
step on your brakes to light your halogen stoplights. You'll see your
headlights go dim as a candle, and your ammeter needle peg the
discharge pin. You mays also feel or hear your engine miss for lack of
juice to the coil.


11-18-2009 @ 4:40 PM
Posts: 44
Joined: Nov 2009
I haven't seen 6 volt halogen headlights but the taillight bulbs are available and not badly priced. I have them on one of my Crosleys and they are a lot brighter for about the same current. 6 volt LED tail lamps are also available but you need to get the right ones, some are brighter but a lot of them are not enough brighter to be worth the trouble. They draw so little current you sometime have to add a small resistor to get the turn signal blinker to work, that leave more amps for other things.


1950 F1 Stake

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