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EFV-8 Club Forum / Light Commercial Truck Discussion / HEI Conversion, 47 Pickup

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Lawson Cox
11-29-2013 @ 6:15 PM
Posts: 18
Joined: Jan 2010
These old flatheads are extremely dependable if properly maintained. I have driven them all over the country, strictly stock, and they have not let me down yet.

10-26-2013 @ 6:18 PM
Posts: 9
Joined: Oct 2013
Thanks very much.

10-26-2013 @ 4:42 PM
Posts: 4228
Joined: Oct 2009
jr, check out Bubba's Hotrod Shop in Speedway ,Indiana. They deal a lot with electronic ignition. The website is; www.lindertech.com. Once you get to the site check the left menu for Bubba's Hotrod Shop.

This message was edited by trjford8 on 10-26-13 @ 4:44 PM

10-26-2013 @ 2:14 PM
Posts: 9
Joined: Oct 2013
Thank you all for the feedback, both pro and con.

It's certainly not my intent to step on anyone's toes here. I do have a lot of respect for keeping our vehicles original, and applaud the ones who do stick to the letter.

I have always loved old cars, dating back to getting permission to start and drive my mom's 41 Chevy in and out of the garage when I was young.

But I also like a bit more comfort, and even some modern devices in my drives. I don't build or restore old cars to show, I do so to drive them. The longer the trip the better I say. And yes, I do carry spares. I have replaced a head gasket on the side of the freeway in Idaho to the astonishment of two Highway Patrol Officers. That's part of the fun for me.
But I take pride in having every mechanical function of the car/truck very reliable, and functioning properly. I may bumble and stumble my way until I get there, but I do get there.
There is nothing more fun for me then to take my lady and me on a trip somewhere in our old car. She loves it just as much as I. In fact she has helped me in almost all phases of rebuild/restore.

I will do some more research, both through here and elsewhere. And try not to upset anyone further. After all, "It's all about the ride"

I want to add, it is not only the drives we enjoy, but the people we meet along the way, and at any event we do attend.

This message was edited by jd52cranbrook on 10-26-13 @ 2:15 PM

10-26-2013 @ 8:24 AM
Posts: 7256
Joined: Oct 2009

There are no taboo questions on this forum. The answers are from people that restore and drive their car on a regular basis. You may not get the answer that you wanted, but in most cases it is the best answer available.

I am sure that Alan just had a bad day when he responded. He is normally very helpful.

My response was derived from my experience of over 30 years of driving flatheads. In that 30 years, the points never failed. I have seen many electronic ignition systems fail over this same period.

As far as reliability goes, electronics are subject to sudden failure, without warning. Mechanical points generally give you a warning before they fail. Most people that have changed their flatheads to electronic ignition carry a spare points distributor with them in case of failure.


This message was edited by TomO on 10-26-13 @ 8:25 AM

10-26-2013 @ 7:51 AM
Posts: 4228
Joined: Oct 2009
jd, research the electronic ignition issue thoroughly before making a decision on which one you may choose. I had a Mallory Unilite on an 8BA (53 Ford) motor that served me well. There is also a Pertronix conversion that can be used. If you go the electronic route be sure you go with a name brand so you can get parts if you need them. There are a few of us on here that do make modifications to our cars, so we'll try to help. No need to apologize as some have not considered that you are putting another old flathead back on the road. That's way more important than the critique of how you change the ignition system.

10-25-2013 @ 10:54 PM
Posts: 2767
Joined: Oct 2009
JD, Perhaps you'r right. This Forum and the members of the EFV8CA do go to lengths to maintain originality. We also attempt to share our experience and knowledge of what works and what doesn't. As you obviously know quite a lot more than we do about the Early Ford dual point ignition, I wish you well in your search for a Forum that will reflect your views.


10-25-2013 @ 8:42 PM
Posts: 9
Joined: Oct 2013
Maybe I posted this in the wrong forum.

While it's true I am new to Older Ford Trucks, I an not new to old cars. I have run several over the years, no trailer queens, all drivers. I have driven from the Bay Area CA to Detroit MI and back 4 times over the years for Woodward Dream Cruise. So I have a good idea on what works and what is less dependable.

To think that a old points set up is more reliable than a HEI system is simply being unrealistic.

That being said, I can see this is a strictly original, NOS type forum, and it looks like I asked a taboo question.

My apologies.

I hope to find a group a bit more open to dependability rather than strict originality.

I thought the cool thing would be to get another old truck on the road, I didn't know there had to be rules as to how.

This message was edited by jd52cranbrook on 10-25-13 @ 8:43 PM

10-25-2013 @ 7:48 PM
New Member
Posts: 128
Joined: Nov 2011
I agree with TomO. I installed an HEI system on my 72 Ford truck and it laid down on me on a cold rainy morning. After a 2 mile walk to get help, I went back to the original ignition system. There was no advantage to the HEI system and I have not had a problem with a stock system laying down on me (knock on wood). My 48 also retains the original 6 volt negative ground with the original style ignition. Works well.

10-25-2013 @ 8:45 AM
Posts: 7256
Joined: Oct 2009
IMHO the dual point distributor on the Ford V-8 is much more reliable than the HEI system or any solid state system.

The dual point system gives better coil saturation than most solid state systems and is not prone to sudden failure due to voltage spikes or heat damage.

If you leave the truck at 6 volts POS ground, you can have a very reliable vehicle at less cost than changing to 12 volts NEG ground. Your truck doesn't have the accessories that modern cars have, so you really don't need the expensive change to 12 volts.


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