Topic: Lurker test.....

jim5618    -- 08-02-2012 @ 3:16 PM
  I don't see much activity in this forum. Thought I would try a check-in thread. If you are restoring a 32, check in.

I am doing a 32 tudor standard B that my Uncle bought in 1959 for $50.

this is mine on Day one...yes it was in a barn.

trjford8    -- 08-02-2012 @ 7:45 PM
  Jim, great tudor. This is the place to come with restoration questions. Dave Rehor, the author of the V-8 Club's 1932 book checks in here and answers questions often.

jim5618    -- 08-06-2012 @ 10:21 AM
  Wow! I would have thought there was some 32 activity on here. I guess people aren't interested. I was at least hoping to see Dave's work in progress....

This is the latest of mine..

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