Topic: 32 Ford Deluxe coupe

Kenneth M.    -- 06-21-2017 @ 8:29 AM
  Did dome come with trunk? Hope so I hate a rumble seat

Kenneth M. Stewart

3w2    -- 06-21-2017 @ 5:50 PM
  The production figures for the split between rumble and trunk models seemingly did not survive, but a significant number of trunk models were produced. The trunk configuration was standard and the rumble seat configuration was optional at extra cost.

Kenneth M.    -- 06-25-2017 @ 8:45 AM
  My question was did the 3 window coupe come with a trunk also. The battery got weak and would skip letters my key board.I am just trying to learn about the 3 window coupe. I have been dreaming a bit.

Kenneth M. Stewart

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