Topic: Special Thanks for the Last 12 Months

len47merc    -- 07-27-2016 @ 11:01 AM
  August 8th – my wife’s and my date of departure for Gettysburg and the Eastern National Meet – is almost here and the last vestige of prep of significance on the ’47 was just completed this morning. Last year’s trip to Charlotte was a simple, one-day, 2 ½ hours each way trip, completed non-stop each way without any issues in 96 degree weather on 2-lane roads locally here in NC with no supplies or tools in the trunk – a testimony to the effectiveness of all your then support on this Forum that produced the confidence to attempt it (particularly given my wife was with me then as well!). This year’s trip to Gettysburg will be the first true road trip of significance – will exceed 1,000 miles over 5 days - and comes almost 3 years after receipt of the idled-for-approximately 40 years car. While I hope to replicate Old Henry’s results of long distance trips with no issues, albeit on a less ambitious scale, this trip will see back-up parts & supplies and tools in the trunk. This said, again were it not for all your support, advice, experience and education I would not be nearly as comfortable and confident attempting such a trip with a 69 year old, fundamentally original car. Because of you all, anxiety about what can go wrong is not weighing on the back of neck – only excitement about leaving here at 4 am on the 8th for the planned 11-hour, 2-lane only ride through the Shenandoahs at mild elevation with stops at Luray Caverns, Harpers Ferry, a couple of well-endorsed, very off-the-beaten path home-cooking restaurants and several ethanol-free service stations.

You may recall my posting a similar discussion thread of appreciation last year after the prep for Charlotte and, given this year’s prep has been even more comprehensive, I wish to again recognize those who have been key in getting this ’47 where it is today. Several of you routinely, unselfishly and patiently provide steadfast and sound advice and mentoring that is well above and beyond and as a result, this '47 will very likely earn it’s Rouge Award – Interior & Running Gear - repeat certification and thus qualify for the V8 Medallion Award this year. For ALL this, I want to thank the following who have been most instrumental and encouraging in supporting me through this process and preserving and maintaining a quality, almost original chassis, almost original body, fully original interior and now even more enjoyable driver than it was for last year’s Meet:

Tom – ‘TomO’
Alan – ‘ford38v8’
Bob – ‘supereal’
Craig – ‘Old Henry’
Clift - ‘cliftford’
Mike – ‘kubes40’
Chuck - ‘carcrazy’
Ken – ‘Kens 36’
Ken – ‘ken ct.’
John Shelor

There are many others who contributed and I could not list all or recall all, but the above routinely chimed in over the course of the last 12 months (and prior) and provided excellent knowledge, advice and support. For this I am extremely grateful as I could absolutely not have gotten this '47 to where it is today without all of you, this Forum and EFV8.

Digressing for just a moment and cutting-and-pasting the following from last year’s post as I think it is worth keeping the concept fresh:

“For any of you just starting the restoration or preservation process I encourage you to read up on all the judging classifications (if that's the route you think you wish to take) before you turn the first nut/screw/bolt, and also develop a deep understanding and appreciation for what is truly original. It will save you a ton of time, effort and $$$'s down the road and result in a more quality restoration or preservation and enjoyable result. In retrospect, personally not obtaining this knowledge first cost me in all of these areas. Should have read and listened more first.”

Again, my sincere appreciation and gratitude goes out to you all! Please look me up if you are coming to Gettysburg!


nelsb01    -- 07-27-2016 @ 12:10 PM
  WOW..... has it been 12 months?
Time sure does go by fast when you're in the garage.
Thanks for the appreciative comments -- and good luck on your adventure. I personally can not say enough about traveling on the two lanes. A longer trip, but the relaxation, view, and sites make it all worth while.

Remember-- it is the journey, not the destination.

Kens 36    -- 07-27-2016 @ 12:45 PM

I'm glad to hear that your Mercury is ready to go. Be safe on your trip - we will see you in Gettysburg.


ken ct.    -- 07-27-2016 @ 1:35 PM
  Good job on your part also,i will be leaving on the 6th and arriving there on Sunday morn. ken ct.

v8teditor    -- 07-27-2016 @ 3:33 PM
  Sounds like the making of a great story for the V-8 TIMES. How about some pixs of the trip there and the Merc at the meet and your story? - Jerry Windle, V-8 TIMES Editor

TomO    -- 08-01-2016 @ 8:46 AM
  Steve, all that I provided was words, you turned them into action. I hope that you drive to Gettysburg is an enjoyable one and I know that your car will be appreciated by all that get to see it.


ford38v8    -- 08-01-2016 @ 10:07 AM
  Steve, Don't forget your camera, and your notebook for the story requested by Jerry! Bruce's comments about the two lane road journey are right on! I'd love to make the trip also, and am jealous of you and your wife for it!


trjford8    -- 08-02-2016 @ 8:11 AM
  Steve, have a great trip and enjoy the ride. The back roads of America are very special to all of us.

len47merc    -- 08-15-2016 @ 12:03 PM
  Great, thoroughly enjoyable trip with no maintenance issues and a beautiful route and great temps for most the entire trip. Took 12 3/4 hours up (11 hours return) for what could have been a sub-7 hour drive straight thru, but neither the wife or I were tired when we arrived or returned. The '47 earned its repeat cert & V8 Medallion Award - thanks once again to all of your help and support - and kept pickin' 'em up and puttin' em down for the the last 3-4 hours at 55 mph and ~95 degree temps.

Attached is a pic from a Skyline Drive overlook during our return trip (poured rain on the way up and views were quite limited).

I've reached out to Jerry and will endeavor to provided him with something tangible per his request.

Thanks again to all!


len47merc    -- 08-15-2016 @ 12:05 PM
  Ooopps - pic rotated correctly (hopefully) this go...


Kens 36    -- 08-15-2016 @ 12:40 PM
  Great photo Steve!


ken ct.    -- 08-15-2016 @ 1:56 PM
  Great to meet you Steve, glad your trip was successful and love the the color of the Merc. My wife had an older Honda Civic and was a good match for the color. Honda used it only 1 yr , and it didn't go over. It was always easy to spot in a parking lot by the color. ken ct.

ford38v8    -- 08-15-2016 @ 4:16 PM
  Steve, Many folks don't realize how comfortable the seats are in our old cars. Your 12 1/2 hr drive in a modern car would have most people ready for bed without dinner! Glad for you and the Mrs, and I hereby nominate you for membership in the Red Ball Express Society.

Allow me to fill in a couple of names for your list of folks who offered advice before your trip:
trjford8 is Tom Johnson, 5 times Past President. Tom has been an active volunteer continuously for the National Club since 1997.
nelsbo1 is Bruce Nelson, the oldest and nicest Director that ever was. I think Bruce holds the record for longest time served as Director, despite his being a nice guy. He's the National Club Secretary now, and Honcho in Chief of this Website. If he's on his toes today, he'll chime in here and mention that he's about to ban me from posting on the V8 Club Forum, but he's probably helping other members that are having problems right now.

I think this is the first time you've posted a picture of your pretty Merc, so you better keep an eye on it or I'll sneak over and relieve you of it.


This message was edited by efv8CofAAdmin on 8-15-16 @ 8:46 PM

TomO    -- 08-15-2016 @ 5:21 PM
  Steve, I am glad that you did not have to use all of the extra junk (spare parts) in your trunk and under your back seat and that you had an enjoyable trip. All of your preparations paid off in a trouble free trip. You did a great job in making your car reliable and a joy to drive. Driving them to the meets is the best part of a National Meet. That Rouge Medallion will look great on your plaque. Keep driving to these meets until you get all of the spaces filled.

That is a great photo of your Mercury on Skyline drive.


ford38v8    -- 08-15-2016 @ 9:32 PM
  Bruce on the job! I almost missed the edit! Good one!


Cecil/WV    -- 08-16-2016 @ 6:29 AM
  We are glad you and everyone else came to the meet. The show field was gorgeous!

Shiny side up! Cecil/WV

trjford8    -- 08-16-2016 @ 7:09 AM
  Alan, thanks for the kind words, but I do need to make a correction. I was only the prez 3 times and it was my pleasure to serve the V-8 Club. I don't know of a finer bunch of people than members of this club. Tom Johnston

woodiewagon46    -- 08-16-2016 @ 7:18 AM
  Len, Congratulations!!! It just goes to show, that a well built and well maintained early Ford can be driven and enjoyed. As ford38 mentions the seating in these early ford's is like driving on your living room couch. I totally agree with you that driving these cars is the only way to go. Here's wishing you miles and miles of fun in your great car! Bob.

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