Topic: Show us your car

jwitt    -- 04-12-2016 @ 6:09 PM
  It would be fun to see the cars forum members are driving/working on.

As a question to the moderator, can you stand the bandwidth to have a forum of car pictures. It could be limited to some OK number, say pictures totaling 1 Mb of files space or some such number.

I was thinking of a member submitting six or so pictures showing views of the inside and outside and special features.



Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed.

efv8CofAAdmin    -- 04-12-2016 @ 7:14 PM
  We are working on multiple photos on the Forum.

Web Administrator

TomO    -- 04-13-2016 @ 7:13 AM
  You can see my cars in the Gallery, accessible from the home page.


TonyM    -- 04-13-2016 @ 11:38 AM
  1937 Ford De Luxe Fordor. Brought back to life after being in storage for 50 years.


jwitt    -- 04-14-2016 @ 7:25 AM
  Guess I could put mine in too. She spent her life mostly in San Antonio, as near as I could find out.

Houston, Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed.

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