Topic: rebuilding starter and generator

forJJ    -- 11-17-2015 @ 4:27 PM
  I want to rebuild my starter and generator, but I wasn't sure what all I should order. I've never worked on electric motors, but I have a friend that is going to help me. I was hoping to get the parts before I get him to help me with them.
The car is a 1936, it has been sitting for 30+ years.
Any help would be much appreciated.


CharlieStephens    -- 11-17-2015 @ 6:25 PM
  You should post some pictures of the starter and generator to be sure you have the correct one before you start ordering parts. You might want to post the pictures and question in the V8 section of I for one haven't got the hang of posting multiple pictures on this site. I think you are going to have to tear things apart before you know what to order.

Charlie Stephens

TomO    -- 11-18-2015 @ 7:48 AM

I would recommend that you find a local electric motor shop or generator service shop and have them rebuild your starter and generator.

The bushings and bearings must be replaced in any rebuild and I do not know a good source for them.

Rebuilding a starter or generator takes special equipment to check out the fields and armature. Does your friend have this equipment?


CharlieStephens    -- 11-18-2015 @ 9:22 AM

To expand on what Tom said if you add your general location to your post (and your profile) someone might recommend a good local shop to do the work. You might also ask at your local EFV8 Club where they take their units. If you end up shipping the units somewhere they will each fit in a USPS flat rate box for $12.75 (what a bargain).

Charlie Stephens

cliftford    -- 11-18-2015 @ 9:05 PM
  Is the car running? If so are both starter and gen malfunctioning? If so there are several possible causes in both cases, such as bad connections, bad cables, bad grounds, etc. you might check some of these before you spend a lot of money.

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