Topic: Complaint against Dan Wittern

c-gor    -- 10-17-2015 @ 7:31 PM
  Can any Club Officer or Director comment regarding the complaint against past Club Business Manager Dan Wittern. The item in the latest V-8 Times regarding a suggested misappropriation of $200,000 deserves some explanation to Club members.

40 Coupe    -- 10-18-2015 @ 4:27 AM
  Craig: They should not comment about ongoing litigation.

woodiewagon46    -- 10-18-2015 @ 8:16 AM
  I think the best thing we can do as members of the V-8 Ford Club is to let the legal system take it's course. I'm sure the club can not comment on an ongoing legal situation. We can all speculate and point fingers, but until all the dust clears, all we can do is trust that our elected officers will keep us informed on what they can tell us. It's a very unfortunate situation and hope we can learn from it.

oldasi    -- 10-27-2015 @ 4:30 AM
  Hope we now have someone else (2 or 3) watching the cash register rather then just 1 person. Is such an acct not open for members to review ? With the number of V8 members in the club there must be accountants (penny pinchers) out there that would understand acct statements.

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