Topic: Transmission noise

Wardb    -- 04-30-2015 @ 2:17 PM
  Have '48 Ford V8 with original trans.(recently "rebuilt" with new clutch and pressure plate) Cratering/chattering started in neutural, stopped there, now in reverse with grinding/jumpy (scarey) noise with clutch sounding like big chatter. Also syncranizer not working for third gear. Any ideas? Thanks, Ward Beebe 512-261-1711.

cliftford    -- 04-30-2015 @ 6:24 PM
  From the information you gave, the first thing I would check is proper adjustment of the shift rods, [check the ford repair manual, make sure they are aligned properly in neutral and move free without hanging up on each other. Better yet get a helper to shift through the gears while you watch from under neath.

cliftford    -- 04-30-2015 @ 6:44 PM
  Something I failed to mention: check for loose bushings in the shift rods.

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