Topic: loss of water from 40 Ford

bwhitworth    -- 04-22-2015 @ 5:07 PM
  I am loosing water out the overflow tube on the radiator. I keep refilling the radiator and I take a short trip and there is water under the car under the overflow. The radiator cap is very hard to turn, I need a pipe wrench to tighten it or remove it. Last year I installed hi-eff water pumps, could this be a problem? I do not have thermostats in the top hoses, do I need a restriction in the hoses?

ken ct.    -- 04-22-2015 @ 5:28 PM
  Sounds like you need a correct rad. cap. 40 thermostats do not go in the hoses. They go in the center outlets in the heads. Could be filling it too much,try 1/2 filling the top tank. ken ct.

Drbrown    -- 04-22-2015 @ 8:10 PM
  2x what ken ct advised re not over-filling radiator. Mine did same and as some others have said, when engine is cold, keep coolant level abt 2 inches below the top of radiator tank.

TomO    -- 04-23-2015 @ 8:45 AM

The best solution to your problem is to install a pressure valve in the overflow hose and use a 4lb pressure cap.

Skip Haney sells the pressure valve and you can but a 4lb pressure cap from most of the vendors.

I would examine your radiator cap and radiator to determine why it is so hard to open and close the cap.


Old Henry    -- 04-23-2015 @ 10:22 PM
  Because water will not compress like air does it has no choice when heated but to expand out the overflow. Whenever I replace coolant I fill to top, let it puke out till it quits, then leave it. Usually ends up about 2 inches down from clear full. That's why modern coolant systems have overflow/recovery tanks, so that the water can expand into them when heated and be sucked back into the radiator when cool. Since we don't have those the water left down a couple of inches expands to fill the whole system when hot, compressing the air, then shrinks when cool down the two inches. It can never look full when cool for that reason.

This message was edited by Old Henry on 4-26-15 @ 12:01 PM

Old Henry    -- 04-23-2015 @ 10:25 PM
  I would certainly recommend the use of thermostats. They aid in quicker warm up and maintenance of optimal operating temperature of the engine. Without them the engine may not warm up enough to evaporate the moisture in the crankcase that contaminates the oil and increases wear in the engine.

keith oh    -- 04-25-2015 @ 9:32 AM
  I hope you used pennies minted before 1982 as ones minted after 1982 are not copper and will rot out before very long.

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