Topic: V8 Times

thirtysixford    -- 04-02-2015 @ 9:40 AM
  I have been out of the hobby for a few years taking care of my parents.

In 2011 I posted how to put a K&N filter in a '36 air filter. Several members said I should submit it to V8 Times.

How do I submit it?

v8teditor    -- 04-02-2015 @ 10:17 AM
  Sounds interesting. That's easy. Send me the story attached or "pasted" in an e-mail as a MS Word document and any photos as .jpg files (medium resolution). OR you can snail mail me the story and photos. I trust you have a few photos to illustrate your story. - V-8 TIMES Editor

This message was edited by v8teditor on 4-2-15 @ 10:22 AM

thirtysixford    -- 04-02-2015 @ 10:30 AM
  Hi if you go to forum at the bottom look whos on line ( i'll stay online for awhile) and click on thirtysixford view posts find K@N in '36 air cleaner.

See if that has possibilities

thirtysixford    -- 04-02-2015 @ 10:34 AM
  you can PM me

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