Topic: 36 fuel gauge wiring

Hal    -- 03-19-2015 @ 9:44 AM
I have 36 ford fuel gage with 3 terminals. The two top terminals have a small board between them with wires around it?. What is this ? Then theres the bottom ter-
minal. Can anyone tell me how there wired? Which wire
goes to the sending unit. Where the hot wire's go.
etc. I really need help.
Thanks a million Hal

Don Rogers    -- 03-19-2015 @ 12:27 PM
  Hal, The enclosed picture should help.

Hal    -- 03-19-2015 @ 1:23 PM
  Hey Don,
Thanks for your answer, but your gage does'nt
resembel mine. Mine is single only for fuel,no oil.
Thanks for your info. I really appreciated it.
Thank's again.

Don Rogers    -- 03-19-2015 @ 3:05 PM
  Hal, Can you take a picture of the gauge..front and back??

Hal    -- 03-20-2015 @ 9:18 AM
  Thanks DON,
I haven't got the know to do this, but
if you hold on a bit, Ill have my son do this
this evening. Hang tight.

Hal    -- 03-20-2015 @ 2:54 PM
  Don, Here's the pictures of my '36 Ford fuel guage.

Hal    -- 03-20-2015 @ 2:56 PM
  Don, Here's the back

Hal    -- 03-20-2015 @ 2:58 PM
  One more of the back

Don Rogers    -- 03-20-2015 @ 3:29 PM
  It looks like the gauge has been adapted for 12volts?

A standard 6 volt gauge only has 2 terminals.

Are you running a 6 or 12 volt system?

Don Rogers    -- 03-20-2015 @ 5:05 PM
  It looks like the gauge has been adapted for 12volts?

A standard 6 volt gauge only has 2 terminals.

Are you running a 6 or 12 volt system?

Don Rogers    -- 03-20-2015 @ 5:05 PM
  It looks like the gauge has been adapted for 12volts?

A standard 6 volt gauge only has 2 terminals.

Are you running a 6 or 12 volt system?

Hal    -- 03-21-2015 @ 8:49 AM
  Hi DON,
It's a 12 v. When I bought this car, it was a 6 v and the gauge wasn't working. I changed the car to a 12 v.
Since it wasnt working, they must have asked me if it was 6 or 12v. I ordered a i2 v. In any case the gauge
works. I checked it off the car
Thanks again hal

Hal    -- 03-21-2015 @ 9:12 AM
  Hi Don
It's a 12v. When I bought the car it was a 6v.,and the guage wasn't working. I changed it to a 12v. I ordered
a 12v not knowing there was a differance,anyway I in-
stalled it and it still did'nt work so I ordered a
sending unit, and it worked.I discovered lately it
didnt work,but the guage works. I took it off the car, and it works.

TomO    -- 03-22-2015 @ 11:40 AM
  Hal, I am confused, do you still need assistance in connecting the gauge?


Hal    -- 03-22-2015 @ 6:30 PM
  Ya I do.
The wire going to sending unit, is it a hot wire?
If I put a hot wire from the + side of the battery to the upper left terminal on the guage the
bottom terminal has 12v, and if I attach a line
from the - side of the battery to the bottom terminal
( on the guage ), the needle moves up. Now I have to
figure the wiring. What do you thing? how do I make
the needle go down besides removing the - wire?

TomO    -- 03-23-2015 @ 8:46 AM
  I cant tell how the voltage reducer is wired because it is under the tape, but here is my guess.

The terminal with no wire should go to the sending unit, the bottom terminal should go to the hot lead. You may have 12 volts at the top terminal until the sending unit is connected.


Hal    -- 03-24-2015 @ 9:06 AM
  Hey don,
I think I'll hang it up, I also think the sending unit is shot. I think I'llwork on something else. I
want to thank you for all your help. Take care
Thanks again....Hal

Don Rogers    -- 03-24-2015 @ 12:16 PM
  Hal,Sorry to hear that the sending unit is shot. It may be a good idea to hang it up for a while or until you get another sending unit.



TomO    -- 03-25-2015 @ 8:39 AM
  Hal, the sending unit provides the ground for the circuit.

Your gauge seems to be working OK.

If you have an original sending unit, it can be repaired.

Here is a post that shows how to check out the sending unit and gauge.


Hal    -- 03-26-2015 @ 8:20 AM
  hi don,
will be writing to you later.

Hal    -- 03-31-2015 @ 9:38 AM
This is hal. I recieved my new sending unit a couple
of days ago. I wired it the way you told me, and it works. I'm going to reinstall everything and see if
everything still works. Will it be ok if I install a
new wire (12-14)gauge from the fuel gauge to the
sending unit?

TomO    -- 04-01-2015 @ 9:36 AM
  Hal, it is your car,so make any changes that you would like to.

The original should work if it is not broken or has lost its insulation. a 14 gauge wire should work fine.


Hal    -- 04-02-2015 @ 9:47 AM
  Hi Tom
Thanks a million for everything you & Don helped
me out with. It's guys like that are really app-reciated, by guys like me
We'll I guess I'll go put everything to gether-
so here goes!
Thank's again Hal

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