Topic: trans shaft pins

4ford    -- 02-21-2015 @ 2:59 PM
  trying to get the shifter levers of and replace seals. is there an easy way to remove them?? need to remove the pins

carcrazy    -- 02-21-2015 @ 7:32 PM
  This is a job best entrusted to a good local machine shop.

JM    -- 02-22-2015 @ 6:09 AM
  Your post here + picture gives a better explanation of what you are trying to do than what you posted on Fordbarn. I was not sure which shift rods and pins you were talking about on FB. Anyway, I believe Mac Van Pelt gave you some good advice over on FB.


4ford    -- 02-22-2015 @ 6:38 AM
  thanks the pics o fb would not work. so straight or tapered ?

TomO    -- 02-23-2015 @ 7:39 AM
  The pins are straight and you can get them at Van Pelts Sales.

Be sure to support the shift arm when trying to drive out the pins. This is done best as a 2 man job. One man holds the side cover so that the shift lever is supported and the pin has a place to go. Grind or file the peened over ends of the pin so the pin can be driven through, then drill an 1/8" hole in the center of the pin to relieve some of the strain.


JM    -- 02-23-2015 @ 11:00 AM
  Deleted duplicate post

This message was edited by JM on 2-23-15 @ 11:02 AM

JM    -- 04-07-2015 @ 12:22 PM

This message was edited by JM on 4-9-15 @ 9:36 AM

JM    -- 04-07-2015 @ 2:33 PM

This message was edited by JM on 4-9-15 @ 9:35 AM

JM    -- 04-07-2015 @ 5:37 PM

This message was edited by JM on 4-9-15 @ 7:22 AM

JM    -- 04-09-2015 @ 7:19 AM

This message was edited by JM on 4-9-15 @ 7:20 AM

Old Henry    -- 04-09-2015 @ 7:36 AM
  I just did this job last month. I ordered new pins and seals from VanPelt and discussed removing the pins with him at length. He talked about having to drill the pin out most times. I didn't want to tackle that so tried to get my local garage to do it but they didn't have time that day I needed it done. (Road trip deadline looming.) So, I went after it myself. It didn't turn out to be as bad a job as I thought it would be. I did it pretty much the same as TomO described but, before grinding down the peened end, marked the center of the pin with a center punch so I could punch there after ground down. Can't tell where the end of the pin is once ground down. Then hit it with the center punch and it started to move. Continued 'til the center punch was too big and finished with nail set. No big deal.

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