Topic: Need help to create Flathead Ford Shift Knob

Ford8ford    -- 10-10-2014 @ 11:01 AM
  I have created a Kickstarter project to raise a small amount of money to pay a very well known artist to help me create this 3.5 to 4 inch Resin Flathead shift knob and then cast them for resale. A pledge of over $45.00 insures you get one of our first run of knobs when they are available with luck early December. But you can help our project by donating as little as $1.00. Please Pledge and please help spread the word. Sales of this knob will go to help "The Flat Spot" A Facebook flathead discussion and help group. THANKS!!

KateEvants    -- 06-27-2018 @ 4:24 AM
  Thanks for Kickstarter project. Know how important is to have sponsorship to realize the project. About Kickstarter I wrote an article with the help of Site with any types or written assignments in all disciplines.

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