Topic: winter rodents

Lenny    -- 09-15-2014 @ 7:40 AM
  How can I store my car without mice nesting within it?
Someone suggested mothballs
Any suggestions are appreciated.

ford38v8    -- 09-15-2014 @ 9:43 AM
  Lenny, If you have electricity in your detached garage, the best by far is to get a high pitched noisemaker from a hardware or nursery. They work for all varmints (except human) You can barely hear them if your garage is attached to your house, but I wouldn't want to listen to that for very long.

We had a loose vent screen on our house and had a family of raccoons living in an inaccessible area between floors, very noisy! The noisemaker evicted the whole family in a matter of hours while we were out for the day, we nailed up the screen, and they never came back.


lazy69ranch    -- 09-15-2014 @ 1:34 PM
  I went to Lowes and purchased 2 packs of sonic rodent deterrents for about $20 each...There's 4-6 per pack, they are the size of a plug in air freshener with an LED indicator light on them. Have them all around the garage wherever I can find a spare plug. So far, so good.

The problem with granular poisons is the mice pack the stuff off and stockpile it with the risk of your dog finding it later. Very effective but non selective.

nelsb01    -- 09-15-2014 @ 5:02 PM
  Everyone is going to have a remedy of chasing them away.
First, do your best to close all the openings in your building. I even used a mirror to look under the bottom edge of my siding and then chauked the foundation cracks.
Second, any form of air freshener will keep them out of the vehicle. I have used the scented Air Wick solids, the banana scented mirror hanging cardboard -- all work.
Third, if they do get in the building, some form of poisoned food (decon etc) -- they will eat that first before your wiring or upholstery.
It's been 35 years now and I haven't had a problem with my 73 Ranchero, 85 Thunderbird, or 49 Ford.
And if you are worried about them dying in the vehicle, that's where the scented air fresheners work. Besides, when you find them in the spring, they are already petrified.

TomO    -- 09-15-2014 @ 5:58 PM
  I tried Decon many years ago, I found out that it attracted the rodents to my garage. Now I use a stinky air freshener in the cars and an open bottle of ammonia near the doors. I haven't had any rodents trying to nest in my garage or my cars. Even the dog will not go in the garage with the ammonia.


Drbrown    -- 09-15-2014 @ 7:22 PM
  Fabric softener sheets for dryers.

This message was edited by Drbrown on 9-15-14 @ 7:23 PM

39topless    -- 09-16-2014 @ 11:13 AM
  We have a summer cabin and have sparred with mice for decades. Keeping the foliage surrounding the building cut way down will help. The mice don't like to go out into the open. A 4'-5' bare space will do it. Inside the cabin, we've found that those glue trays work well when placed along the edge of the walls. Not very "Humane" but they work.

woodiewagon46    -- 09-16-2014 @ 12:47 PM
  Also use coarse steel wool in the exhaust pipe, those little buggers will build a nest anywhere they can get into. I have heard fabric softener does and doesn't work so it's up to you to try it for yourself. Mothballs might work but it will take some time for the smell to dissipate from your interior. Sounds like the electronic stuff is worth a try. I would never use a glue trap, as far as I am concerned they are inhumane. If you need to kill mice, do it quickly rather than allow them to starve to death.

JM    -- 09-16-2014 @ 8:31 PM
  I have used Irish Spring bath soap, dryer sheets, and Decon over the years. I do find little stashes of Decon pellets where they have "squirreled" it away from time to time. I also occasionally find dead ones laying around on the garage floor, so I know the Decon works when they do eat it.


shogun1940    -- 09-17-2014 @ 1:35 AM
  I leave the glove box open,trunk open,and sets turned up,, they like to hide, then i put mothballs every where.. and decon all over the place.

42wagon    -- 09-17-2014 @ 3:14 AM
  I see lots of suggestions but nobody has mentioned the ones I use. First lots of cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil. They don't like the smell and you can tolerate it better than mothballs. Second "no heart" spring traps baited with peanut butter. The only drawback to them is remembering to empty and set them.
There is an owl here, that is almost a pet, who waits for me to come out in the morning and leave the catch of the night on top of a stone wall.

Bertha    -- 09-17-2014 @ 10:37 AM
  I use the neighbors cats.

"it's only original once""

fla48    -- 09-18-2014 @ 7:20 PM
  Ditto fabric sheet softeners for clothes dryers.

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