Topic: Grand National Historic Meet plates

phibbert    -- 09-11-2014 @ 3:52 PM
  I am looking for a Dearborn 2003 GN Meet plate to swap for a 2008 Victorian, Australian National Meet plate # 110 or 112. I have all other GN souvenir plates from 1998 to current Lake Tahoe but not 2003. If no swap, I will buy a 2003 year. All replies responded to. Cheers. Peter Hibbert.

ford38v8    -- 09-11-2014 @ 8:55 PM
  Peter, I know you were there, because you and your son rode in my rumbleseat that year! We've moved since then and a bunch of stuff got lost in the move, but if I can find the plate, it's yours.

Alan Simpson.


phibbert    -- 09-12-2014 @ 3:28 PM
  Hello Alan. Good morning (here). What a memory mate!! That would be great but don`t turn the home upside down looking. Mason is forming a display of all since 1998 (our 1st) up to Sth Lake Tahoe. We never forgot your friendship & kindness. You two remind us of the Gorris`s. Always great welcoming folk. I will await the possible outcome. Warmest regards, Peter & Mason.

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