Topic: powermaster alternator

fenbach    -- 08-28-2014 @ 7:06 PM
  i put a powermaster alternator in my '36 and hear a whine at low RPM. but not always. the outfit i bought it from [philbin] did swap with me but the 2nd one rattled, too. a third one just whines. i suspect it may be the first one. i talked to powermaster and they said to expect some noise. but it's loud enough to be annoying. i'm curious to know if i should expect it to be quiet or not.

This message was edited by fenbach on 8-28-14 @ 7:14 PM

supereal    -- 08-29-2014 @ 6:55 PM
  A whining noise from an alternator almost always is due to a bad diode in the trio the converts the AC to DC. An alternator that is working properly should be noiseless. Unless you know how to look for a shorted diode, or know someone who does, I'd send it back.

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