Topic: Amazing Photos 2014 ENM Gettysburg, You are there!

VT/JeffH    -- 07-11-2014 @ 4:46 PM
  Hello to all the V8 Club Members! Let's start a conversation. Please add a reply.

I'll begin... Here's a link to the Facebook page for RG36. The Regional Group who hosted the recent Eastern National Meet. You will find hundreds and hundreds of photos from the meet. If you can't find something to drool over, you didn't look closely enough!

(Full disclosure, I'm an RG36 member and a few of these photos are mine. Some came from member contributions other than myself.)

Thanks to everyone who attended. There were a lot of stunning cars.

My judging team inspected a pair of '36 3w's (one trunk, one rumble) and a Trunk Back Fordor. Tough work I'll tell ya! I'm pretty sure all three got their first Dearborn. Looking from underneath I didn't see much wrong.

Special thanks to RG36 and for making these photos available.

Thanks also to all the people who contributed time and effort to make this event, what I consider, a HUGE SUCCESS.

A special thanks to the Wilmer clan including three generations and six bodies that were ticking off 50+ man-hours each day including both the day before and after the meet! At the direction of their Mom and Dad, Andrew and Todd worked the golf carts the whole meet. If you were there, you saw them at least 25 times, they might have even loaded your luggage or given you a cold water! Great job fellas, you're honorable gentlemen!

Please enjoy the photos.


This message was edited by VT/JeffH on 7-11-14 @ 6:47 PM

trjford8    -- 07-11-2014 @ 5:51 PM
  Jeff , thanks for the photos. Looked like a great meet and sorry I could not attend. Without great volunteers these meets would not happen. People who have never worked on a meet have no idea the amount of work it takes to put on a meet. Kudos to each and every volunteer who helped with this great event.
Tom Johnston, Early Ford V-8 Club Director California/Southwest

VT/JeffH    -- 07-11-2014 @ 6:06 PM
  Hi Tom, Thanks for helping our club. I didn't take all the photos a lot of others contributed, just like it was with the rest of the meet.

I sure had fun in Tahoe! And Gettysburg. Next up Springfield. I'll be there with bells on!


PS. If you see something you like, renew your membership and/or help out the V8 Foundation.

PPS. I love the home page shot from Hiawassee. I stood in that spot just to get some shade on Concourse Day. Good fun had by all!

This message was edited by VT/JeffH on 7-11-14 @ 6:15 PM

trjford8    -- 07-12-2014 @ 1:55 PM
  Jeff, I signed up for the life membership to the Foundation and like you I hope others will support it. I recently sent them 72 gear shift knobs from the meets to help them complete their collection. The ones they don't use can be sold to help the cash flow.

JM    -- 07-12-2014 @ 2:11 PM
  Jeff, I have found quite a few of the pictures I took in that group. I wish those banquet pictures I took with my Tablet had been a little sharper. Did you do the battlefield tour on Friday? If I hadn't been heading to OC on Friday, I would have taken the time to visit the battlefields. Looking forward to driving to Springfield for the CNM next month.


JM    -- 07-12-2014 @ 2:12 PM

This message was edited by JM on 7-12-14 @ 2:14 PM

VT/JeffH    -- 08-16-2014 @ 5:39 AM
  Hi JM, Sorry for the long wait for my reply.

Yes, I did the battlefield photos on Friday, the day after the meet. Luckily I didn't have to be back home until Saturday morning.

As I'm writing this, we're loading up for Springfield, and I think you're already on the road!


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