Topic: chevy valves

j.grif    -- 06-09-2014 @ 9:03 AM
  What about chevy valves in the flat head engine? any problems using them? Thanks

supereal    -- 06-09-2014 @ 10:28 AM
  No problems, Grif. When we build a flathead, we use the Chevy straight stem and the one piece valve guides. This allows us to use stem seals. One piece valve guides are necessary, of course. We always install all new valve seats as most have been ground several times, leaving no material for another regular seat. Usually the owner request adjustable lifters, as well.

j.grif    -- 06-09-2014 @ 2:52 PM
  Thanks Super.

cliftford    -- 06-09-2014 @ 3:56 PM
  What are the advantages of using chevy valves over ford valves? quality? cost? better performance?

Stroker    -- 06-09-2014 @ 4:47 PM

supereal    -- 06-09-2014 @ 5:52 PM
  Right, Dan. The quality is better than the offshore Ford parts, both in material and finish.

40cpe    -- 06-10-2014 @ 9:03 AM
  Super, please explain how the stem seals are incorporated using the Chevy valves and not using Ford valves.



supereal    -- 06-10-2014 @ 3:13 PM
  The seals used in the post 49 Fords work on the .Chevy stems as the Ford one piece guides are used.

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