Topic: 1938 Amp Gauge Re-installation

Frosty    -- 05-28-2014 @ 4:05 PM
I've installed a new wiring harness in the '38. I need to get the new wire (with a #10 ring attached at the factory) through the loops on the back of the amp gauge. The ring won't fit through the loops. Do I need to take the gauge apart?? If so, how do I do this? The loops seem permanent.
It might be easier to install brass ends and make a joint?

Any suggestions??

juergen    -- 05-28-2014 @ 4:29 PM
  You need to curl the ring so it looks like a tube with a diameter a little less than the ammeter loops. Then it will slip right in.

Frosty    -- 05-28-2014 @ 8:29 PM
Thanks juergen. Simple solution. Wish I had thought of that!! Hopefully the rubber sleeve is small enough too.

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