Topic: changes to the forum??

oldford2    -- 01-18-2014 @ 10:28 AM
  I wonder if the administrator of this site has considered showing the location of the poster. This is done on other forums and has been very useful and can lead to finding new Ford friends in your area. Also deleting the term "new member" since we are all new forever.

This message was edited by oldford2 on 1-18-14 @ 10:29 AM

supereal    -- 01-18-2014 @ 3:36 PM
  In today's world, there is a certain amount of peril in revealing the location of those who post here, or anywhere. Same is true of posting email addresses. If anyone wants to have information on the location and/or identity of those who appear here, the "personal message" feature allows making such a request. Then, the recipient can decide whether to provide the information. The roster provided to all members lists them by state to give others a chance to make contact. Hackers, scammers, and other assorted low lifes have made this necessary.

trjford8    -- 01-19-2014 @ 10:31 AM
  John, you bring up an interesting point. Perhaps listing a poster's location could be optional. I notice on the Fordbarn that some have their location listed and others are not listed. I'll pose this question to the webmaster to see if it can be done on an optional basis. We do list people's location when they post in the classified section

This message was edited by trjford8 on 1-19-14 @ 10:32 AM

efv8    -- 01-19-2014 @ 1:52 PM
  I understand your point, but as Supereal has said well, you dont want to know how much information is already out there in the "world wide web" about you. I will use the Farmer's Insurance TV ad were they tell you not to post your travel plans on your social network (Facebook) pages -- because crooks are watching you. Let's say there was a discussion about attending a car show, and you said you were going. Let's say it was more than a day, and since you said you were going, your post also said that you were from East Overshoe, Nebraska (sorry Nebraska folks). Right there you have given anyone (and remember that you do not need to be a EFV-8C member to use this V-8 Forum) notice that you will not be home for a couple of days. Sorry, in this day and age of hacking, and cyber crime, why would you set yourself up to potential crime?
This is the Web Administrator's take on this, and I spent several years of my employed life working with data security.
If the majority want it, then we will presue it.

Web Administrator

TomO    -- 01-19-2014 @ 2:31 PM
  I agree that posting anything on the Internet opens you to scammers and crooks. If anyone wants my location, they can look it up in the Roster.


oldford2    -- 01-19-2014 @ 2:39 PM
This could be optional and the location does not have to be specific, ie: Western Mass, upstate NY, etc.. I have never heard about this being a problem on the other forums.
Ok then, how about eliminating "new member"?
What is your take on that designation?

efv8    -- 01-19-2014 @ 3:57 PM
  I can certainly check on that with the developers.

Web Administrator

JM    -- 01-20-2014 @ 2:24 PM
  I think having a general location posted in the area of a members name is beneficial when trying to give someone help on a question or maybe when recommending a service to them. If a member in Australia or England is looking for someone who can rebuild a component for their car, it's usually of no benefit to them to recommend someone here in the States. Also, if someone is having difficulties troubleshooting a problem with their car and I see they happen to live close to me, I just may offer to go help them. If someone is paranoid about giving there approximate location, they could choose not to give that information.
Also, to see someone who has been posting here for years with thousands of posts listed as a new member makes no sense to me.
These are just my opinions in response to the questions asked in the original post.


This message was edited by JM on 1-20-14 @ 5:57 PM

ford38v8    -- 01-20-2014 @ 2:48 PM
  I agree with JM, and further his logic by noting that everyone here uses a handle rather than a name, thereby making a general location safe to post.

What does strike me as foolish is sometimes a poster reveals information within his post such as email or phone number, rather than to use the PM available for those private messages.


trjford8    -- 01-21-2014 @ 7:43 AM
  John makes a good point about the "new member" handle. I guess it's been there so long I quit noticing it. Perhaps we could have a "senior member" category after 100 posts or more.

As for posting one's location I agree that it should be optional for those that want to have it posted. When you think about it there's already a bunch of info out there on all of us when you do a computer search. In today's world it's very difficult to keep your private information private. A simple credit check can reveal a ton of personal information on a person.

It is in fact easier to help a member with locating a vendor or locating other types of assistance if we know their general location.

This message was edited by trjford8 on 1-21-14 @ 7:46 AM

efv8    -- 01-31-2014 @ 11:54 PM
  The V-8 Forum members designations have been updated. Congratulations to those that have attained Senior status. Please continue.

Thank you.

Web Administrator

Cecil/WV    -- 02-03-2014 @ 2:28 PM

Shiny side up! Cecil/WV

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