Topic: Vent Window seals on 1940 sedan

Mustangman    -- 11-23-2013 @ 11:01 AM
  Is there a trick to getting the vent window seals to fit in the door garnish molding? The seals I purchased don't seem to fit. Who has the best ones for sale? The ones I received had no instruction on where to install rivets or other hardware. Would appreciate a good picture of the vent window complete with seal installation for all seals for the vent.

supereal    -- 11-23-2013 @ 1:00 PM
  The best vent window seals usually come from Dennis Carpenter. For the sedan, be sure that you have the correct set: 01A-7021448/9. There are three types of seals, closed car, convertible, and sedan delivery for '40. You also need the back edge seals,11A-7022296. They are felt type. If seals don't seem to fit, they may be incorrect. I've run into this more than once, the last time when a windshield seal for a closed car was sent for a convertible. The difference may be small but it makes installation difficult or impossible.

This message was edited by supereal on 11-23-13 @ 1:01 PM

Mustangman    -- 11-24-2013 @ 1:35 PM
  Thanks, I will reorder from Carpenter. How does the vent window edge seal fit. I have tried a couple different ways and it doesn't fit. Is that because of the wrong rubber seal? I you could send me a picture of how it all fits, I sure would appreciate it. It is frustrating when you are not the one who took it apart and don't know how it goes back together. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

TomO    -- 11-25-2013 @ 7:38 AM
  Here is a link to a drawing of the seal.

It is installed so that between the pivot points the sealing surface is on the outside of the car and outside of the pivot points the sealing surface is on the inside of the car.

At one time Dennis Carpenter's catalog had instructions on how to install the seal. Give them a call, they may still have a copy.

I started mine at the top and used plenty of lubricant to slide it in the track until the hole for the bottom pivot point lined up. I used electricians lubricant for pulling wires into conduit. I tried soap, but it seemed to dry out before I got halfway through. Let it sit for a few days to allow the rubber to relax before installing the rivets.


This message was edited by TomO on 11-25-13 @ 7:40 AM

Mustangman    -- 11-25-2013 @ 3:04 PM
  Thanks, as soon as I get my new seals I will try what you suggested. I also found that I am missing the metal track behind the vent window. Hope to locate both sides soon.

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