Topic: staples in 49 upper radaitor rubber strip

Jerseydevil    -- 11-13-2013 @ 4:38 PM
  can someone tell me how many staples were used to fasten the upper rubber radiator strip in 49 Ford,

Re-doing mine and found 9 holes for the staples, but the are not concentric. Is that the way Henry made them? Should there be 10 an evenly spaced?



rkutzner    -- 11-18-2013 @ 10:29 AM
I believe the seal on my 49 ford is original and it has 13 staples. When facing the front of the car, there are seven staples on the left side and six on the right side. The first two staples on both ends are within 31/2 inches of the ends. The other staples are not evenly spaced going up to the top center of the radiator. They are placed farther apart as you go towards the center. The 7th staple on the left side is very close to the center and the 6th staple on the right side is about 5 inches from the center.


Jerseydevil    -- 11-19-2013 @ 5:06 AM

Thanks for the reply. Since my posting I have done some research with 49/50 owners. Seems like since the part was stamped by real people and not robots the number of holes/staples varied from car to car. I have heard numbers from 8 to 13. None were concentric/even.

Mine has 9 and I will attempt to place the staples in the same holes. Sounds easy but I think it will be hard to locate them once the rubber is in place.

Thanks again,


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