Topic: Christmas Party idea

FrankM-RG5    -- 10-26-2013 @ 5:12 AM
  I know it is early but my regional group has done this for a few years and it seems to work well. We always try to do some kind of gift giving and a few years ago it was decided to put all the gifs on the table and do a Chinese raffle. We issued everyone 5 tickets and they could put them on whatever prizes they wanted. While we purchased a number of gifts the ladies might like we also purchased books and other memorabilia from the national club. The guys were happy with it and it allowed us to spend money with the V8 club and not a local department store. No need to follow this exactly, I just wanted to emphasize spending members' money with the national club.

trjford8    -- 10-26-2013 @ 7:58 AM
  Frank, great idea. Helps the club and members are happy.Another idea would be for the RG to purchase the Early Ford Windshield decal and give one to each car owner who attends the party. That small decal in the windshield helps promote the club.

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