Topic: June 16 Grand Tour at our destination

FrankM-RG5    -- 06-16-2013 @ 11:21 PM
  Today we started off with a tour to Fallon Engine Service, which was hosted by the owners Louis and Carol Cote. If there is a V8 heaven then this is it. This nice dry Nevada air has allowed these older parts to be so well preserved. The fenders hung in the garage have been bare steel for a number of years now. One of the people in our group had ordered some parts and went down to pick them up and asked if we could tour the place. It was only a few miles down the road from the motel and we went before checking out. I believe some of the wives slept in. The pictures can give you a glimpse of what we saw. Just amazing. Some of our group could not wait to get to Tahoe and drove the distance the night before passing this up. For myself I am glad I have stuck to the slower pace.
We finally went back and checked out and went to a Father’s Day car show in Minden, Nevada. This was about 80 miles away and 20 miles from our final destination. It was a nice little show and they fed us for bringing our cars. There was a lady there, whose name I forget, that was a past national director. We had a nice little social couple of hours.
Bill did not make it as he had a noise coming from his bell housing like something was loose. He told us to go on and he would wait for it to cool down and investigate it. Turns out the grease cap for the throwout bearing had come off. Bill managed to fish it out and put it together and was on his way. He still is hearing a noise from his pinion and would like to change the bearing before we leave. Not a simple job.
And then there is my good friend John Mason. He left about an hour after the rest of us. Showed up as most were leaving. I stayed with him as he finished eating and thought it would only be fitting to be the last ones there as we arrived last everywhere else. It was nice to drive with him again. When I drove over with the others I really missed seeing the 35 in my rearview mirror.
We had one more hill…uh… mountain to climb and we would be in South Lake Tahoe. It was a steep one with a lot of curves so picture taking was out of the question. The temp gauge got hot but not too hot. It was second gear only up some of it. But once we crested it was an easy coast down without using the brake too much.
So here we all are at the hotel. I have no pictures here yet. Just trying to decompress. After doing two days of seeing a lot of nothing the traffic and crowds require me to acclimate myself. It is rather busy here but nice seeing a lot of old friends. Managed to get myself invited to dinner with some people I know at the buffet in the hotel. It was a long line but someone had a platinum card and we got preference. My friends Larry and Shirley came up and joined us as we were sitting down. Of course I overate. Got to get my money’s worth.
And here I am looking forward to reporting tomorrow. Hope all the talking and meeting old and new friends does not wear me out too much. And John Mason if you are reading this please answer my texts. Oh, and one more thing John. I met a gentleman that was looking at your car and could not believe you drove it from Maryland. I said you drove it all the way in my rear view mirror.
I want to add thank you to all that have enjoyed this. I have run into many people that have told me they have been watching the trip. It is good having you all along. I appreciate it.

Let me try this link. Hope it takes you to the albums or sets.

FrankM-RG5    -- 06-16-2013 @ 11:22 PM
  If it does not work then try here

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