Topic: Grand Tour June 14

FrankM-RG5    -- 06-14-2013 @ 11:11 PM
  Internet here is too slow to upload pics. Will try tomorrow. In the meantime here is the story.

I think John Mason and I are now officially a couple. When we went out to eat they were concerned about us sitting together. Today was rather interesting and exciting and if I get this all typed in you will be laughing. I swear I cannot make some of this stuff up.
I started out by myself and cranked up highway 6 through the canyon with some stops for pictures. Just as I was entering Spanish Forks I met up with my facebook friend Tom Tranch*ll and his lovely wife Rose. We met at the gas station and were talking when John Mason pulled in. Of course he did not see us so we hunted him down and exchanged introductions and some small talk before heading over to Eureka Nevada with a stop at an old Sinclair station along the way. Tom is native to the area and led the way on his motorcycle and John and I followed along.
I still cannot believe we got out of the town. It is a bit of a mining ghost town but does have a small population. There is a museum that was closed but there was enough interesting abandoned machinery around to interest us. We even found an old pieced together chassis with 35 wheels on it. Also an old jail. You're reading this on the internet so you can look up more about the town than I can write.
Anyway after all this we were walking back to the cars and Rose called over to us from a rather dilapidated building. As we know these cars attract attention and inside this garage was a 1918 Studebaker. At least that is what he said. The gentleman wanted to show us the car when he saw us parked across the street. Interesting garage.
After that we had lunch in the little café and then went into a sort of gift shop general store where we met some more people. Met this nice lady who gave John a book about the mining in the town. We had to go to her house to get it. Her husband is a mason and they had some very interesting stonework there. We felt like they would have let us spend the night. Also had an old Ford tractor. She also told us about an A frame from mining timbers that we went to see but could not find. You'll see out cars on the dirt road when we were looking for it.
Well from there it was a straight shot for about 200 miles out 6 and onto 50. Basically there is a road and scenery. That is about it. I guess we will see more of that tomorrow.
Finally we get to the hotel about 6 and everyone is going out to eat at 6:30. I told John I would drive and as I was pulling out of the parking lot I noticed a cell phone in the street. I had pulled out a little too much and a truck had to move over a bit saving the phone. It was one of those ancient flip things so I thought it might belong to someone on the tour. It rang and I answered it and the person asked where their phone was. I said in my hand. By then we were up the street a ways but agreed to meet him at the hotel because true to form we were going the wrong way and had to turn around. Now some woman calls and says it's the dog catcher's phone. I told her she had caught a couple of dogs. She also told us this was the second time Todd had lost this phone. Well we gave Todd the phone and went to eat at a place called Racks where I miraculously behaved myself so ended a great day.
And, "NO!", I did not forget to report on any breakdowns. I hope the pics can tell the rest of the story.

FrankM-RG5    -- 06-15-2013 @ 9:02 AM
  Check here for pics. I cannot figure out how to individualize a link to each set.

TomO    -- 06-15-2013 @ 9:54 AM
  Great photos and a priceless story


ccnelson    -- 06-15-2013 @ 3:26 PM
  Great pictures, nice 49.


JM    -- 06-15-2013 @ 8:25 PM
  I don't know about the 'couple' deal Frank but we have had some fun traveling together for the last two days. Very happy that both our cars have been running so well. I just need to figure out how to prevent losing wiper arms and blades :D


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