Topic: 1940 Ford Tudor title

fordy    -- 06-13-2013 @ 1:56 PM
  I need a title for a 1940 Ford Tudor. I have owned this car for 35 years and lost the title many moons ago. Bought the car from original owner who has since passed. Any help appreciated. Thanks. Contact:

woodiewagon46    -- 06-13-2013 @ 2:20 PM
  Every state DMV has their own rules. After reading several articles, in collector magazines on this subject, your best bet is to contact your local DMV and get the straight answer. That being said, a common practice that some people did a few years ago was to purchase a title offered thru several sites. I would highly recommend that you do not do that! Most states have now outlawed this method and it can cause legal hassles!

42wagon    -- 06-13-2013 @ 4:01 PM
You haven't told us enough. Has the car been sitting for 35 years or have you registered it and have been driving it?

If it is registered then you only need to go to your local DMV and fill out the paperwork for a lost title paper.

On the other hand if you just let the car sit since the time you purchased it, then you may have a problem proving that you really are the owner.

As woodie has already told you going to a title mill would be very unwise. Explain the situation to your local DMV and see what they have to say.

supereal    -- 06-13-2013 @ 4:15 PM
  Good advice,all. In my state, Iowa, we have what is called a "bonded title" in cases where no current title can be produced. A provisional title and plates are issued, and a reasonable amount, usually a couple of hundred dollars, is held for a specified period, after which it is refunded. This protects you in the event anyone else claims to own the vehicle, which does happen. A couple of years ago, a claimed owner showed up here after an expensive restoration. He could only claim the bond. Don't play games with your DMV. Ours told me that using a title mill may result in a fraud charge.

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