Topic: 1936 closed car windshield installation?

trimboulster    -- 06-13-2013 @ 1:41 PM
  I have finished installing the windshield in the frame on my 1936 5W coupe. You gave me some help with this part. I was able to find some 1/32" thick by 1 and 1/2" wide bedding tape on eBay.
The question I have now is how to install the frame/windshield in car? If someone who has done this in the past could explain the procedure to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for any help any of you can give me.

trimboulster    -- 06-14-2013 @ 8:02 PM
  Since no one has answered my question, I will answer it my self. I opened the windshield about half way by cranking it out with the regulator which I had installed earlier. Then I attached the windshield frame brackets to the hinges. This lifted the windshield frame up. Then I replaced the hinge screws above the windshield. Then all fasteners were tightened. Then I cranked the windshield back into the closed position. The trick here is to start with the windshield opened about half way and with the hinge screws removed. Also, the screws that hold the windshield frame to the hinges are installed at the bottom of the slots in the windshield frame brackets. The windshield cranks out and in great. Thanks for reading this, I hope it helps you sometime.

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