Topic: Grand Tour June 10 2013

FrankM-RG5    -- 06-10-2013 @ 8:44 PM
  I must apologize because photobucket is not cooperating. I tried to upload 8 photos and 4 failed. There are pics up on facebook. I will try to get something here later or tomorrow. In the meantime here are my memories for the day.

Not a lot of miles but quite an adventure today. We started out with a private tour and lunch at Speedway Motors. After everyone had their fill we headed west to Shelton Nebraska to see their Lincoln Highway museum. They had some great exhibits and one of the volunteers was a member of the club.
After that we headed to see a car collection in Kearney. Now this is where it gets interesting. Driving along there was some old cars in front of a building. I could not help myself and had to stop. Met a very friendly gentleman that showed me around. The pictures only tell a small part but you get the idea. Unfortunately speedway asked that we not publish photos on social networks so they will not be available.
The good news is the sun is out and it is getting warmer. Lots of cornfields and long trains. A little tweaking here and there but we have all arrived at the destination.

Here is a link t the album. Check in tomorrow to see if I got more pics uploaded. Ok got them up. Lousy connection at the hotel. I used my portable WIFI and it worked fine.

This message was edited by FrankM-RG5 on 6-11-13 @ 3:04 AM

Grant    -- 06-11-2013 @ 7:57 AM
  Thanks again for the daily updates.

We will be southbound out of northern Alberta tomorrow or early Thursday in a '36 Ford.

Lou B advised last week that your group was intending to camp out at Fallon Nevada on Saturday June 15th, and then heading for Tahoe and checking in at Harrah's on Sunday the 16th.

Is that correct? If so, could we please join up with you folks on the 15th at Fallon?

woodiewagon46    -- 06-11-2013 @ 1:09 PM
  FrankM, I am so envious of you! In 2010 my wife and I drove our '46 Ford "woodie" to California from New York, to attend a" woodie" show in Encinetas CA. We spent the whole month of september on the road, 8000 miles total. My advice to you is to take your time and if you see something that you might want to do go ahead and do it! You never know when you will be able to do this trip again. Have a great time and continue to keep us posted!!!

FrankM-RG5    -- 06-11-2013 @ 10:26 PM
  Doing the best I can. We have a great group and everyone is doing different things. We all meet up eventually. Very exciting.

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