Topic: Grand Tour June 8

FrankM-RG5    -- 06-09-2013 @ 7:54 AM
Good morning and welcome to Frank MilLer's Sunday sermon about on the road. I was so tired last night I was not able to post.
The day started off good with me leading Bill M west on route 30. Bill needed to get gas and I figured I might as well top off. Go to get my credit card and it was missing. And my license. I figured what I did and they were back at the hotel. So I drove 40 miles out of my way to retrieve them. Leaving the hotel I found John Mason. So John and I proceeded to westward only to get lost a few more times. We missed the photo op at the bridge and overshot the café. I called Jerry and said we would meet him at the hotel. He begged us to come back and I was very frustrated and did not want to. After looking at my GPS on my phone I decided it was a straight shot so that is what we did. John and I got something to eat while they left. John even bought me lunch. We had the waitress all to ourselves to flirt with.
About 150 miles to go and I lead most of the way. John lost his windshield wiper and we had to slow down a bit in the rain. Finally found a gas station where he applied Rain X. The battery gave out on my GPS and John had his so he led us to the motel where everyone was getting ready to leave for the Vincintini's house for cocktails before our feed at the legion. We had a map, and a GPS and totally blew the directions. But managed to get there. And everyone had a great time. Jerry has some nice cars but lost some in a devastating fire last year. He has a real nice 34 flathead with a sidecar. We had a great meal at the legion and walked over to see another member's collection. We were the last to leave and amazingly had a straight shot back to the hotel.
In spite of all that went wrong and feeling frustrated it ended ok. My mistake meant John did not have to travel alone. I made a good friend. I found out that I am an integral part of this group because Jerry begged us to drive back 8 miles to be with them. When things go wrong I can adjust my attitude to see the right in them. We are all tired and that is when we can get easily frustrated. We have 20 something people here and most are strangers but with the right attitude we will become part of a great memory for all of us.

efv8    -- 06-09-2013 @ 2:22 PM
Sermon or not -- I am sure that all are enjoying your travels. Thanks again for giving us updates whenever you can.
You are now heading toward the mountains -- once you get through Nebraska. We look forward to the snowball fight photos.

Again, safe travels.

Bruce Nelson
Early Ford V-8 Club
Web Administrator

36V8ER    -- 06-09-2013 @ 5:15 PM
  Frank, thanks for the updates on the tour. Somehow not surprised you managing to keep the waitresses smiling!
See you in a week. Larry

trjford8    -- 06-09-2013 @ 8:17 PM
  Frank , how's Arel doing with the phaeton in the rain.I hope that new top doesn't leak!

334 Fan    -- 06-09-2013 @ 8:23 PM
  Sunday, The weather started out rainy but we had a great time thanks to the Cornhuskers RG who invited us to "The all Fords Picnic" in Yahoo, NE. Great Camaradrie,Super lunch with a great variety of foods. A nice car show and some fun games. One of our gardian angels, Dee Hobrle, won the washer toss contest after a tie breaker with Jim McDaniels.Arel Brown was crowned champion of the "Stacked Nut" contest.Ice Cream social followed the awards presentation.By the time the event was winding down the sun was out. Regional Group 54 were great hosts and worked hard to creat a fun event. Back to the hotel where we had an imprompt pizza party with the Reichels,Padovanos, Stauffers, Rybolts, Reitzs, Bill, Bill, Bill & Bill, the Killians,and the Browns. Jim McDaniel surprised us by playing the bagpipe. Tomorrow we start out with a personalized tour ot the Speedway Motors Museum, in Lincoln NE, by V-8 club member Jim Snyder; followed by a complimentary lunch.
Everyone is having a fun time meeting and visiting with other flathead enthusiasts. Jerry Reichel has done an excellent job of coordinating our daily events and time table.

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