Topic: water stain

j.grif    -- 01-13-2010 @ 6:18 PM
  Hello folks-- The vinyl roof on my 36 has a leak somewhere in forward r/h corner. There is a water stain on the new L.B. headliner in that corner. Maybe someone has suggestions on how to remove the stain without making things worse. The roof looks in good shape and thinking about applying some kind of coating to prevent more leaking. Thanks for your time

trjford8    -- 01-13-2010 @ 6:56 PM
  It's most likely leaking around the rubber seal. You may have to pull up the seal and use something like a black urethane sealant(like they use on auto glass) to put into the channel and then put the rubber back in the roof. Do not use a sealant that is oil based as it will also eventually work it's way down into the headliner.
Call Le-Baron Bonney and see what they recommend to get out the water stain.

j.grif    -- 01-14-2010 @ 8:35 AM
  Thanks for info on cause for the water leak,appreciate your help trjford8. Called L.B. and they suggested to check with local dry cleaners for removing water stains.

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